Tag: Empathy

In the midst of challenging times faced by Jewish parents and grandparents, feelings of fear and anxiety are prevalent due to concerns about safety, antisemitism, and the ongoing conflict.
A Jewish columnist reflects on the emotional toll of supporting Israel's war efforts in the face of civilian casualties, particularly in the aftermath of a tragic incident in Rafah where many innocent Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting Hamas terrorists.
Jewish college students are grappling with a range of emotions and perspectives amidst campus protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The text discusses the importance of uplifting voices of peace amidst the conflict in Israel and Gaza, highlighting the need to move the conversation towards empathy, peace, and hope.
The Passover Seder, a night of questions and reflections, takes place against the backdrop of current events, such as Israel's conflict with Hamas, making intergenerational gatherings more charged.
A survey conducted during the Gaza war found that most American Jews felt emotionally close to Israel but were uncomfortable with the actions of its government.
The writer grapples with the struggle of balancing values as she navigates interactions with her off-the-derech sister in her home.
Amidst disagreements over Israel and heightened emotions, the Passover Seder offers a platform to navigate differing perspectives and foster empathy.
The article discusses hosting a Seder when participants strongly disagree about the war in Israel.
The article discusses the challenges of teaching about Israel during times of war, sharing the experiences of an Israel educator amid recent tragic events.
Maintaining peace in the home, a Jewish value known as "Shalom bayit," can be challenging in the midst of everyday chaos and stress.
The article examines the concept of witnessing in the context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The article discusses the phenomenon of psychic numbing and how it can limit comprehension and empathy towards large-scale tragedies, such as the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel.
This article focuses on the emotional side of the hostage situation in Gaza, emphasizing the need for empathy and support for the families affected.
In the aftermath of a recent Hamas attack on Israel, Jews around the world have been closely following the news and experiencing a sense of emotional upheaval.
The author reflects on their experience as a non-Jewish person amid the recent attacks by Hamas and discusses the importance of allyship during this time.
In the midst of conflict between Israel and Gaza, the author reflects on how trivial daily concerns can overshadow the larger issues at hand.
The author shares their personal experience of being shocked by their defibrillator during Kol Nidre services, which reminded them of their mortality and the unpredictability of life.
The author reflects on their resistance to feeling grief and the importance of embracing it.
In episode 373 of Unorthodox, the podcast delves into the significance of Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning in the Jewish calendar, exploring its lessons.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the significance of Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning in Jewish tradition.
The author, a cantor who stutters, discusses the deep connection between his Jewish and stuttering identities, both related to the experience of time.
As Yom Kippur approaches, the author reflects on the challenge of forgiving others, particularly when they show no remorse or apologize.
The article discusses two commonly asked questions during the Passover Seder about the customs of dipping a finger into the wine and reciting a shortened version of the Hallel.
In this editorial, Jodi Rudoren emphasizes the importance of empathy and unity in the midst of political polarization and division, urging against gloating and demonizing others based on political differences.