Tag: Generational Trauma

"Treasure" is a film featuring Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry portraying a father and daughter who visit Poland and Auschwitz after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
This text delves into the theme of worry among Jewish mothers, exploring the roots and reasons behind this common characteristic.
"Your Presence is Mandatory" by Sasha Vasilyuk is an immersive historical novel that delves into the Soviet response to World War II and the impact of political narratives on personal secrets.
Irena Gut Opdyke, a Polish nurse during the Holocaust, saved 12 Jewish lives by hiding them in a German officer's basement where she worked.
"Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art, Exile, and Repair" by Rosa Lowinger delves into the author's personal history as a Cuban-born art conservator, intertwining themes of generational trauma, exile, and caring for aging parents.
Jason Gould, son of Elliott Gould and Barbra Streisand, has released a new EP titled "Sacred Days," showcasing his angelic voice and spiritual themes in his music.
Join Hadassah for a live interview with Rosa Lowinger, a writer and art conservator, discussing her memoir "Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art, Exile, and Repair" on April 18 at 7 PM ET.
Toby Lloyd's debut novel "Fervour" delves into a North London Jewish family's complex dynamics, blending Orthodox tradition with an appreciation for the arts.
The article explores the concept of Jewish trauma and its generational effects.
Tamara Podemski, an artist of Jewish and Indigenous descent, draws on the survival of her ancestors in her work, influenced by their experiences of generational trauma from the Holocaust and residential schools.
In her new novel "Untethered," Ruth Rakoff explores themes of ultra-Orthodox Judaism, generational trauma, and the death of her brother.
This text is a poem written in Ukrainian and translated into English.
"A Castle in Brooklyn" is a novel by Shirley Russak Wachtel that tells the story of three characters - Jacob, Zalman, and Esther - who survive the Holocaust and navigate the challenges of rebuilding their lives in America.
Yael Rasooly, a puppet artist and performer, uses her shows to explore themes of trauma, love, and the relationship between dreams and reality.
This episode explores the challenge of focus in contemporary society, noting the lack of discussion on ultimate human accomplishment.
Former pro basketball player Dan Grunfeld discusses his father, Ernie Grunfeld, who is the only son of Holocaust survivors to play in any of the Big Four pro leagues.
This article discusses how it took forty years before the first song about the Holocaust was written in Israel.
The text discusses the frequent comparisons between anorexic individuals and Holocaust survivors.