Tag: Genocide

Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the feelings of Jews worldwide in the wake of Israel's military actions on October 7th and the subsequent strong condemnations.
Three university presidents (from Harvard, MIT, and Penn) testified in a Republican-led hearing, defending the constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech, even in cases of rhetoric calling for the genocide of Jews.
The recent Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent war on Gaza have led to the widespread invocation of Holocaust memory and analogy by politicians, journalists, and observers around the world.
Actor Melissa Barrera lost her role in the Scream franchise for promoting an antisemitic trope accusing Jews of controlling the media.
The article explores the use and definition of the word "genocide" in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Hamas's recent attack on Israel has led to accusations of genocide.
The families of nine Israeli victims of a Hamas attack have filed a complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing Hamas of war crimes and genocide.
The text discusses the increase in anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in recent times, highlighting incidents of violence against Jews and attacks on Jewish establishments.
The author highlights the discourse surrounding the Israel-Hamas war in the United States, noting that it has become a progressive crusade similar to previous movements against various issues.
In this article, the author addresses the use of the term "genocide" to describe Israel's military operations in Gaza.
The article argues against labeling Israel's actions in Gaza as genocide, stating that it is not in line with the legal definition of the term.
The author, a Native woman from Peru, expresses her opinion on the situation in Israel, highlighting what she perceives as a double standard in the way people respond to violence committed by Hamas versus Israel.
The author discusses the recent violence in Israel/Palestine and emphasizes that Jewish grief should not be used as a justification for more violence.
The article argues that Israel's assault on Gaza can be seen as a textbook case of genocide, as defined by international law.
In this text, the writer reflects on Hélène Cixous, a feminist theorist, and her profound impact on their understanding of writing and identity.
The text explores the similarities between the Jewish and Armenian experiences and their struggles for survival.
The text is a poetic reflection on the tragedy of the Srebrenica genocide, drawing parallels to other instances of mass killings and genocides throughout history, including the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.
The article discusses the problematic focus on "upstanders" in Holocaust education, which often overlooks the actual experiences of Jewish victims.
This article highlights the lack of Holocaust education in the United States and the diminishing number of Holocaust survivors.
Milan Hucko, a man from Slovakia, and his family bravely hid the author's grandfather from the Nazis during World War II, saving his life.
Recently leaked internal Chinese police files, known as the Xinjiang Police Files, provide undeniable evidence of the Chinese government's intent to commit genocide against the Uyghur population.
The author reflects on her experience visiting Auschwitz and the challenges of confronting the evil of the Holocaust.
In this discussion, Jewish scholars Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain examine the increasing criminalization of Israel and the accusations of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide made against the country by liberal American Jews.
In a discussion led by Times of Israel, the focus is on significant topics such as an Israeli company leasing spy software for surveillance, perceptions of Israel as an apartheid state, Ben & Jerry's decision to cease sales in settlements, and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid's comments on combating antisemitism.
A recent poll among American Jewish voters found that 25% believe Israel is an apartheid state, while 22% think it is committing genocide against Palestinians.