Tag: Grief

A young girl named Claire passed away from bone cancer at age 12, leaving her family devastated.
The story "And Flowers Bloom Even Then" depicts a conversation between two sisters, Leahle and Rechy.
The author describes their journey through grief after their mother's death, reflecting on their relationship with her and their struggle to write following her passing.
Delphine Horvilleur, the rabbi of Synagogue Beaugrenelle in Paris, France, and a prominent figure in liberal Judaism, has authored a book titled "Living with Our Dead."
Allie Phillips shared her story of being denied an abortion in Tennessee due to fetal abnormalities, leading her to have the procedure in New York City.
A family is torn over the decision to scatter a mother's ashes in Israel, with the father insisting on the plan despite objections from the adult child due to safety concerns and political disagreements.
The author reflects on her experience attending her first Yizkor service in 1982 as a child and her more recent attendance following her mother's death in 2023.
The film "Mother's Instinct" explores the intense grief and psychological turmoil experienced by a mother, Celine (Anne Hathaway), after the tragic death of her child.
Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her decision to convert to Judaism.
When discussing death with young children, especially in the context of Jewish beliefs, it can be challenging to find the right approach.
The author reflects on past Mother's Days when they would shower their late mother with cards, chocolates, and flowers, a tradition now altered by their mother's recent passing.
Amidst the scarlet wildflowers that bloom annually near Gaza, the Darom Adom festival has seen decreased attendance due to the ongoing war.
The author, a new resident of Israel, reflects on his experience of grieving with a nation following the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7.
Adi Vital-Kaploun, a Canadian scientist, was tragically murdered by Hamas while protecting her young sons in their safe room.
The author discusses their experience of saying Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for mourners, after the death of their father and mother.
Rabbi Ilan and Sherri Glazer experienced the loss of their baby, Shemaryah, through stillbirth.
Debbie Weiss recounts how writing, specifically memoir-writing, became a lifeline after her husband's death, helping her navigate grief, find her voice, and redefine herself as a new character in her own narrative.
In the poem "Kaddish for the Living," the author explores the experience of facing her mother's dementia with both tenderness and grief.
The concept of the "Wall of Awful" is discussed in this article as a barrier to completing tasks, particularly for individuals with ADHD.
"The High Holy Days are a reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life. They begin with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur, prompting us to reflect on our mortality. Sometimes, tragic events in our community make us even more aware of life's vulnerability. The death of a child is especially devastating and upends the natural order of things. In times of grief, we can turn to ancient Jewish stories for guidance. One story teaches us to mourn the devastation but not to live in perpetual deprivation. We can find joy in the midst of suffering. Another story reminds us that even in moments of great joy, we should not forget the heartache and suffering that exist in the world. Both stories invite us to hold both grief and joy, acknowledging that every moment is filled with pain and possibility."
The article discusses the emotional toll of experiencing ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.
This article is a personal account of a woman whose husband is serving in the Israeli army during a time of war.
The author reflects on the experience of grieving the loss of her husband.
Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israelis are living under the constant threat of violence, grappling with the dual objectives of eliminating Hamas while ensuring the safe return of hostages and protecting soldiers.
In this series of diary entries from an IDF soldier, the author reflects on the ongoing conflict and the toll it takes on both the soldiers and the nation.