Tag: Health

The writer shares his experience as a security volunteer at his synagogue, facing skepticism from his family about his protective abilities despite his physical fitness regime of running.
The article provides insights on choosing healthier Pesach matzah options.
Shana tova!
Preventive health care often takes a back seat in the Orthodox Jewish community due to the pressures of leading a frum life.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is set to undergo a major overhaul, prompting discussions on whether this is a genuine effort to improve or simply a move by senior officials to evade accountability.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's COVID diagnosis and highlights some disturbing moments from the January 6 hearings.
The article explores the possible mitzvah (commandment) to maintain one's health in Jewish tradition.
Dr. Joseph Maroon, a neurosurgeon, and medical director for the Pittsburgh Steelers, emphasizes the calming effect of prayer on patients before surgery, citing decreased stress levels and better healing outcomes.
After the holiday season filled with indulgences, Dr. Josh Axe recommends incorporating vegan kosher foods into your diet to aid in detox.
Excessive sugar consumption, especially added sugars, has been linked to weight gain and various chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to their empty calories and lack of nutrients.