Tag: Israelis

Maldives has announced that it will prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country in protest of Israel's military actions in Gaza.
Israeli protesters in New York, including prominent community members and activists, have expressed opposition to the participation of Israeli government officials, particularly from Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition, in the annual Israel parade.
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is seeking guidance on how to handle posts labeling all Israelis as criminals, especially in the context of alleged war crimes by the Israeli government.
In honor of Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), the text discusses Israel's journey towards grappling with the Holocaust over decades, culminating in a significant acknowledgment in 1988, 43 years after the liberation of the concentration camps.
Liel Leibovitz suggests that Israelis should watch 'The Godfather' to better understand the implications of recent anti-Semitism revealed during the Columbia hearings.
The text discusses Donald Trump's unconventional campaigning strategies following his courtroom setbacks, amid Joe Biden's favorable polling numbers.
In this article, the author reflects on living among Israelis during wartime, sharing observations like the minimal coverage of suffering in Gaza in Israeli media compared to international news.
Middle East analysts Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari, and journalist Robert Siegel discuss the feasibility of a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians post the Israel-Hamas War.
In a podcast episode titled "The Day After Tomorrow" featuring Samer Sinijlawi and Michael Milshtein, Israeli and Palestinian speakers discuss the current lack of dialogue between their communities.
The TV thriller series "East Side" sheds light on the often overlooked Greek Orthodox Church in Israel, which plays a central role in the show's storyline set in East Jerusalem.
Amid ongoing conflict in Israel, over 900 Israelis sought refuge in Canada, with some considering staying permanently due to the situation in Israel.
This article discusses the question of whether Jewish law obligates Israelis to continue with weddings despite the ongoing war and terror.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the aftermath of the recent war in Gaza and the surprising support among Israelis for renewing Jewish settlements in the area, with about thirty percent in favor.
Israeli families who had loved ones held captive by Hamas traveled to the Ohel, the resting place of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, in Queens, New York.
The IDF's takeover of Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital amid the broader conflict sparks debate around the hospital's symbolic significance.
The text discusses a recent blast at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza that was caused by a misfired rocket from the Islamic Jihad, leading to deaths among Palestinians.
Congregation Beth Elohim, a Reform synagogue in Brooklyn, is offering special High Holidays services for Israelis living in the area.
The article discusses common misconceptions about Israelis and aims to debunk five common stereotypes.
The article discusses the current crisis of unity within the IDF, the people's army of Israel.
The author discusses the need for Israelis and American Jews to learn how to communicate in order to bridge the divide between them.
In a discussion about the book "Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict," journalist Oren Kessler and host Neri Zilber talk about the significance of this historical period and its relevance to the present.
Amidst rising tensions in the West Bank, experts Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent violence between Israelis and Palestinians with host Neri Zilber.
In this podcast episode, Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, and the chances for de-escalation.
Dr. Naomi Shmuel, an anthropologist at Hebrew University, explores the hybrid identity of Israelis of Ethiopian origin in her book Generations of Hope, focusing on the transition from Ethiopia to Israel and intergenerational transferal of traditions.