Tag: Jewish Education

The article discusses the importance of fostering emotional bonds with learning in Jewish education.
Jewish content creators, including rabbis like Seth Goldstein and Daniel Bogard, feel that the campaign to shut down TikTok over concerns of antisemitism is misguided.
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to enhance understanding and knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, now made free for broader accessibility.
The author reflects on the beauty and significance of Jewish naming traditions through the story of her grandmother, Sylvia Sirlin, and her great grandmother, Bertha Stone.
The article discusses ways to engage kids during the reading of the Megillah of Esther, which can feel lengthy and challenging for young audiences.
The article discusses the concept of "Off the Derech Fear," which refers to parents having an unreasonable fear that their children may abandon their religious path.
The TORCH organization is currently holding a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast, emphasizing that all donations will be doubled during this matching campaign.
Shoshana Gottlieb, known for her Jewish red carpet reviews on social media, infuses humor by likening celebrities' outfits to Jewish themes and objects, making inaccessible worlds like the film industry relatable.
The issue of women finding mentors and support systems post-seminary is discussed, highlighting the challenges some face in seeking guidance and advice.
Jews in America have a long history of success and integration, exemplified by achievements in various sectors of society and their alignment with American ideals of education, hard work, and social contribution.
Jewish high school students, including Kate Glick and Ellianna Pell from The Leffell School, participated in the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education's Hackathon in Brooklyn, where they competed to solve real-world problems faced by the Jewish community in Israel.
Ellen Bernstein, a pioneering figure in Jewish environmentalism, passed away at the age of 70.
Parents of young Jewish adults are grappling with their children's decisions to participate in Birthright Israel trips despite concerns about safety.
Jewish schools in the UK benefit from substantial government funding, leading to high attendance rates among Jewish children.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, in collaboration with the Israeli government, has initiated a comprehensive review of the 32 Jewish schools under his authority in the UK, aiming to enhance the educational system and foster a deeper love and understanding of Judaism among students.
Rabbi Yeshayahu Weber, a seasoned teacher in chinuch with over 50 years of experience, sheds light on the challenges in education today.
Rabbi Andy Bachman criticizes an anonymous op-ed calling for Jewish summer camps to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more directly, arguing that the piece lacks specificity and fails to acknowledge the nuanced approaches various camps take on the issue.
The author reflects on the importance of Jewish comedians in shaping their Jewish identity and passing on humor through generations, highlighting comedy as a means for Jews to observe and comment on society with a unique perspective.
American Jewish University in Los Angeles has completed the sale of its main campus, the Familian Campus, to Milken Community School, a nearby Jewish institution.
Rabbi Steven Krawatsky, formerly a figure in the Orthodox community, was found liable for sexually abusing children at Camp Shoresh in Maryland, as a civil court jury ruled against him, awarding damages to the victims and dismissing defamation claims.
The texts discuss various aspects of Jewish communal and family life.
The article addresses the need for Jewish summer camps to have nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine with campers.
A group of Hillel educators proposed the Kranjec Test, suggesting that source sheets in Jewish learning include diverse perspectives, especially women's voices, to reflect communal values.
The Lubavitch Yeshivah Ketanah, a boys' secondary school in North-West London, previously struggling with inspection ratings, has shown progress according to Ofsted, moving from inadequate to requiring improvement.
The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education and the Jewish Education Project conducted a survey to understand the experiences of Jewish educators, clergy, and engagement professionals following the events of October 7th in Israel.