Tag: Jewish Education

The text discusses the surge of anti-Israel protests on college campuses, fueled by student outrage over civilian casualties in the conflict with Hamas.
Israeli teen emissaries participating in a program to educate Jewish communities overseas about Israel found their mission drastically altered when the Israel-Hamas war broke out.
Rabbi Albert Thaler, the renowned founding director of Ramah Nyack day camp, passed away at 91.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, is dedicated to providing free access to insights and education about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
The text discusses the issue of ignorance among Jews, particularly focusing on the misunderstanding of academic freedom, Judaism, and the significance of Israel to Jewish identity.
Bonjour Chai's Third Annual Great Canadian Seder brings together a diverse group of Canadian Jews to discuss navigating potential political tensions at Passover gatherings, the universalization of the Passover story, and the role of storytelling.
Yesoiday Hatorah Girls Academy in Manchester, a Charedi girls primary school, received an outstanding ranking from Ofsted in its recent inspection.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman was widely admired for his steadfast commitment to observing Shabbat, despite the challenges it posed during his career as a United States senator.
An Orthodox Jewish student from Yeshiva University recounts their journey of grappling with their views on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The video explores the concept of Chinuch, going beyond conventional education to understand what real education means in Judaism.
Joshua Hoffman is representing Future of Jewish, a free digital publication aiming to educate people about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
OpenDor Media, led by Noam Weissman, aims to engage young people in Jewish and Israeli topics through Unpacked, offering videos, podcasts, and articles that provide balanced perspectives on issues like Israel, the Middle East conflict, and anti-Semitism.
The disconnect between American Jews and mainstream Jewish organizations is highlighted by discussions on supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, concerns about an oppressor-oppressed ideology leading to antisemitism, and outrage over anti-Israel propaganda in schools.
Rebbetzin S. Feldbrand noticed a need for a Haggadah that would engage teenage readers, leading her to create "Haggadah for Teens and Their Grown-Ups."
The work of promoting Israel education has undergone changes and remained unwavering despite recent events, emphasizing adaptability and the importance of engaging learners authentically.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein and his son, Rabbi Joshua Lookstein, discuss the challenges of continuing a rabbinic dynasty on the 18Forty Podcast.
This episode delves into the challenges and limitations of education, exploring the ideal of education and how an ideally educated person perceives themselves.
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understanding of Judaism in students, beyond just knowledge acquisition.
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi is a program that involves women studying a chapter of Nach (Hebrew Bible) each day, following a cycle that spans Neviim and Kesuvim.
Israeli students from Shaar HaNegev Regional High School visited San Diego Jewish Academy as part of a people-to-people exchange following the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel.
Jewish educators, particularly those with connections to Israel, have reported experiencing recurring nightmares and trauma related to the events of Oct. 7, likely triggered by visits to sites like Kfar Aza and conversations with survivors and families affected by terrorism.
Dana Sheanin, CEO of Jewish LearningWorks, expresses deep concern about the future of the Bay Area Jewish community, highlighting the challenges faced by local Jewish organizations.
Beri Weber, known for his successful music career with nine albums and performances at luxury weddings worldwide, also serves as a rosh yeshivah for bochurim in need.
In the wake of recent challenges like the 10/7 events affecting American Jews, Jewish day schools are witnessing increased interest and enrollment inquiries from families seeking Jewish connection and community amidst rising antisemitism.