Tag: Jewish Education

Joanne Greenaway reflects on her recent visit to Israel, where she encountered inspiring stories of resilience and unity among the Jewish people, emphasizing the importance of storytelling in Jewish education and identity.
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects.
The author expresses sympathy for the Conservative movement's dilemma regarding intermarriage, but argues that the movement's own actions and lack of emphasis on Torah observance have contributed to the high intermarriage rate among non-Orthodox Jews.
The author discusses her journey to reconnect with her Jewish identity, prompted by her son's questions about their Jewishness.
The Jim Joseph Foundation has shared an update on their Build Grants program, which aims to support organizations in expanding their programs and engaging new audiences in meaningful Jewish life.
The article discusses the support for the Palestinian cause among young Jewish students, particularly focusing on the case of Ariela Rosenzweig, a student who has joined a hunger strike at Brown University calling for divestment from Israel.
Rabbi Steven (Shmuel) Krawatsky, accused of sexual abuse by families of three boys he worked with at Camp Shoresh in Maryland in 2014 and 2015, will face a civil trial where a jury will decide the validity of the claims and whether the families are liable for defamation.
The article discusses the current global Jewish crisis and the need for educators to help mend the broken Jewish narrative for the next generation.
A writer recounts her search for a song she learned in Hebrew school in the 90s that has been stuck in her head.
In this online Shiur, the discussion revolves around the topic of raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world.
In a discussion forum on Reddit, participants were asked to describe their Jewish observance in three words and share what it means to them.
The Shiluv program aims to transform Jewish disability education by shifting attitudes and promoting true inclusion.
The Lublin Yeshiva Library in Poland, which was believed to have been destroyed by the Nazis during World War II, has actually resurfaced.
Rabbi Pinchas Breier is a respected mechanech and composer known for his profound insights and compositions of chasidic music.
Rabbi Fine discusses the multifaceted perspectives people have during parents evenings at schools.
In this episode, the focus is on the Gaza War and how our understanding of the conflict has evolved in recent months.
The author, a professor of Jewish studies, shares her experience of struggling to find consistent and meaningful ways to engage her young children with Jewish traditions and community.
There is currently a critical opportunity for the Jewish community to invest in Jewish education and identity organizations, as there is a newfound demand for a greater understanding of Jewish belonging.
The article discusses the importance of pluralism within Jewish and Israel education.
The recent increase in conversations about Israel and antisemitism in the philanthropic community has overshadowed the opportunity to address the growing hunger among American Jews for Jewish belonging and education.
In this Shiur, the speakers discuss various aspects of dealing with traumatic times, particularly related to the current war, captives, and antisemitism.
The podcast discusses the story of Moses Mendelssohn, a Jewish figure in Enlightenment Europe who grappled with the balance between innovation and assimilation.
The ROI of funding Jewish schools is an article discussing the importance of investing in Jewish communal infrastructure, specifically in the context of Jewish education.
Joshua Hoffman is reaching out on behalf of Future of Jewish, a digital publication with a mission to provide inspiration, education, and connection to Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history.