Tag: Jewish Experience

Getting ready and packing for Jewish summer camp while discussing the American Jewish camping experience.
"Treasure" is a film featuring Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry portraying a father and daughter who visit Poland and Auschwitz after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
The author expresses frustration with the trend of publishing books with titles like "The [Blank] of Auschwitz," which she finds commodifies the Holocaust and risks making the diverse stories of individuals in Auschwitz sound the same.
Renowned Jewish artist Tobi Kahn presents a site-specific retrospective titled "Memory and Inheritance: Paintings and Ceremonial Objects" at the Museum at Eldridge Street in New York.
The author reflects on feeling like a motherless child despite her mother being alive, detailing her mother's erratic behavior that went unexplained in the 1960s.
The video discusses anti-Israel protests on college campuses in America and explores the impact on Jewish individuals.
Natan Sharansky, a Russian-Israeli refusenik and human rights activist with a history of imprisonment in the Soviet Union, corresponded with Alexei Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition figure who died in prison at 47, during Navalny's final imprisonment.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity and experiences that have connected them to their Jewish community, such as blessing the Sabbath candles and attending a wedding under a pomegranate-laden chuppah.
This personal essay recounts the author's experience with the snack cart at Hebrew school and their attempt to sell their own snacks for profit.
The Kveller team has compiled a list of the best Jewish books they read in 2023.
The article argues that American academia is morally bankrupt and calls for change in higher education, particularly regarding the Jewish experience.
In David Israel Katz's poetry, bodies are portrayed as objects and intimacy is explored through various forms.
In this article, Dovid Campbell highlights the power of aggadah, the non-legal portion of the Talmud, in providing insight into Jewish thought and experience.
In this speech delivered at West Point, the author highlights the value of being uncool and uncomfortable, drawing parallels to Jewish history and identity.
In this podcast episode, democracy activist Carl Gershman discusses the plight of the Uighur people, an ethnic group in western China, who have been subjected to severe religious restrictions and mass detentions by the Chinese Communist Party.
In this podcast, democracy activist Carl Gershman explores whether the Jewish experience can offer any insights for the Uighur population in China.
In this discussion, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain explore the importance of memory in the Jewish experience.
During World War II, North Africa was under the rule of the Vichy French, Italian fascists, and Nazis, leading to widespread suffering for the local population.
The essay discusses the case of Carson v. Makin, which raises questions about religious freedom and the First Amendment.
Bayard Rustin, an African American civil rights leader, was a prominent advocate for Israel and condemned the Black Power movement's embrace of the Palestinian cause.
The article discusses how for centuries, the Jewish experience has been defined by a sense of vulnerability due to the threat of antisemitic persecution.
Dr. Shira Klein delves into her book "Italy's Jews from Emancipation to Fascism" on the Tel Aviv Review, challenging the widespread belief of Italian love for Jews.
The text discusses the intersection of Jewish identity and the digital world, critiquing the notion of a shiva app and the internet's inherent lack of Jewishness.
Unorthodox, a podcast celebrating its two-year anniversary and 100 episodes, launches a fundraising campaign offering various gifts to supporters.
The author, reflecting on the recent shooting in Charleston targeting African Americans, draws parallels to the historical Jewish experience of oppression and displacement.