Tag: Jewish Wedding

While it's not necessary to have a rabbi officiate a wedding, there are advantages to doing so, as they can provide spiritual guidance and help couples connect to Jewish traditions and values.
This Shiur, number 467 titled "Un-Lavish Living," explores the societal pressure and personal beliefs that lead individuals to overspend and live beyond their means.
Sarah, a woman living in a settlement community in Israel, had a challenging day before Pesach, facing various mishaps.
Actor Josh Radnor married Dr. Jordana Jacobs in a Jewish wedding ceremony under a snow-laden chuppah.
In the midst of a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, a couple in Jerusalem decided to proceed with their wedding, albeit on a smaller scale and in a community garden.
Rachael Fried and Henna Warman, a queer couple who recently got married, hosted a sheva brachot, a Jewish celebration, organized by Jewish Queer Youth (JQY).
The author shares an update on their life, mentioning that their wife had a freak accident resulting in a small fracture but no need for surgery.
The practice of a bride and groom not seeing each other for a full week before their wedding is a widespread Ashkenazic custom with little basis in traditional sources.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the well-regulated gun culture in Israel compared to the U.S. following a tragedy in Uvalde, Texas.
The article discusses potential shifts in perceptions of British monarchs due to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, alongside the eternal tradition of British Bar Mitzvahs and Jewish wedding playlists.
The tradition of breaking a glass at the end of a Jewish wedding ceremony has multiple origins and symbolic meanings.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many couples to rethink their wedding plans.
The author recounts the challenges faced in getting married during a pandemic, from the initial dread of canceling or postponing the wedding to the eventual decision to have a scaled-down ceremony in a municipal parking lot due to restrictions.
Jewish weddings have evolved over time to include customs like the chuppah and breaking a glass, adapting to modern trends such as egalitarianism and same-sex marriage.
The text tells the story of a woman who, after years of failed relationships, unexpectedly finds love with a former friend, Paula, at a fundraiser opposing an anti same-sex marriage amendment.
Kylie Ora Lobell shares her journey of planning a Jewish wedding shortly before her conversion, highlighting the support and generosity she received from the Jewish community in Los Angeles.
The text reflects on a video from 2002 showing the night before the writer's brother's gay marriage ceremony, where their father enthusiastically performed.
The Neve Shalom Synagogue in Istanbul recently hosted a significant Jewish wedding officiated by the mayor of Beikta, marking the first time a local official conducted such a ceremony.
Roberta Kaplan, a prominent lawyer known for her work in the legal battle for same-sex marriage, is at the forefront of the case challenging the Defense of Marriage Act before the Supreme Court on behalf of Edith Windsor.
A rabbi recounts the challenges faced when announcing her engagement to another rabbi, navigating family reactions, including her grandmother's refusal to accept her same-sex marriage.