Tag: Jews

Exploring the origins and significance of the name "Israel" throughout history, particularly focusing on its importance to Jewish people.
Multiple recent high-profile articles in publications like Time and The Atlantic have shed light on the experiences of North American Jews amid rising antisemitism and pro-Palestinian protests since Oct. 7.
Barbados has a rich Jewish history dating back to the 17th century when Dutch Sephardi Jews settled on the island, bringing innovative sugar-milling technology that revolutionized the industry.
Adam White discusses the Supreme Court's recent ruling which prevents efforts to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, despite the confusion stemming from the split decision.
Increasing antisemitic incidents in the United States, particularly in New York City, have raised concerns among Jews about their safety.
In a recent episode titled "March To Nowhere," hosts Yonit and Jonathan reflect on the impact of the war on life in Israel and Jews in the diaspora, particularly in light of a fading hostage deal in Gaza.
In these Letters to the Editor, various perspectives are shared regarding the link between Jews and Israel, with Steven Fogel highlighting the DNA evidence connecting contemporary Jews to the Levant.
Deborah Lyons, Canada's Special Envoy to combat antisemitism, discusses the recent rise in antisemitic incidents in the country, including protests targeting Jewish-affiliated institutions like Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
The author reflects on their visit to a historic synagogue constructed by their ancestors in Glasgow, emphasizing the connection between Jews and Israel throughout history.
In a recent article, writer Shalom Auslander explores the misuse and dilution of the term "Nazi" in current discourse, cautioning against labeling individuals with nationalist or extreme right-wing beliefs as such.
The author reflects on a time in 1989 when Bishop Desmond Tutu visited Jerusalem and brought a sense of hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Allison Josephs, founder and executive director of Jew in the City, has launched the JITC Hollywood Bureau to advocate for accurate and nuanced portrayals of Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the entertainment industry.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Harvard Divinity School visiting scholar Rabbi David Wolpe, MIT PhD student Talia Khan, and Harvard professor Steven Pinker discuss the new challenges facing Jewish students in higher education.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi David Wolpe, Talia Khan, and Steven Pinker discuss the challenges that Jewish students face in higher education, particularly regarding the increasingly hostile discourse surrounding Israel.
The article criticizes the left for only supporting free speech when it involves praising Hamas.
Despite the ongoing crisis and war in Israel, thousands of Jews from various countries have chosen to move to Israel, also known as making aliyah.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the feelings of Jews worldwide in the wake of Israel's military actions on October 7th and the subsequent strong condemnations.
The map from Martin Gilbert's book "The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Its History in Maps" shows that Jews were the main settled population in the land that eventually became known as Palestine for over 1,600 years.
The podcast discusses the escalating violence in Israel and the shift from calls for ceasefires to open calls for an "intifada" in the United States, reflecting Palestinian attacks on Jews over the years.
The documentary film Israelism, which examines the challenges faced by young American Jews reconciling their connection to Israel with the realities faced by Palestinians, has faced a coordinated campaign to cancel its screenings at several universities.
The IDF's takeover of Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital amid the broader conflict sparks debate around the hospital's symbolic significance.
Hamas's recent attack on Israel has led to accusations of genocide.
The text describes the history of anti-Semitism and the ongoing threat that Jews face, both historically and in the present.
The recent attacks in Israel have left Jews worldwide feeling a sense of insecurity and fear.
The author reflects on the current state of danger and suffering for both Israel and Jews worldwide, and the necessity of special prayers during such times.