Tag: Love

At dawn on October 7, 2023, in Sinai, a family enjoys their last day of vacation.
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christian misconceptions and internalized Jewish negativity towards this idea.
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception that Christianity is solely about love while Judaism focuses only on law.
Rabbi Shai Held asserts in his book "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life" that love is the cornerstone of Jewish belief and practice, countering the misconception that Judaism is solely about justice, law, or action.
"Lovers in Auschwitz: A True Story" by Karen Blankfeld is a compelling account of the unlikely love and survival of Zippi Spitzer and David Wisnia amidst the horrors of Auschwitz.
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on love, warmth, and gratitude despite her illness.
Amid the recent conflict in Israel, a matchmaking trend has emerged, with many people seeking romantic connections and the desire to create families and Jewish babies.
This article discusses the importance of expressing love to children and the impact it has on their well-being.
In honor of Valentine's Day, this article presents a collection of Jewish jokes about love.
The author reflects on the experience of grieving the loss of her husband.
In times of horror and difficulty, the Jewish people turn to prayer for comfort and support.
In this short text, the writer is expressing their heartfelt solidarity with the Jewish people during challenging times.
This story, titled "The Goose Girl," is a fictional tale about a young Jewish girl named Shena Lena.
The article discusses singer-songwriter Jenny Lewis and her ability to create compelling and confessional music.
In this personal essay, the author recounts a series of events that led to meeting the love of their life.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on his relationship with his mother and the significance of Mother's Day.
This poem by Bruce Black reflects on the act of lighting candles in the context of Hanukkah.
Rabbi Leib Kelemen summarizes the advice of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, a master educator, on raising confident and emotionally strong children.
In "Maqluba: Upside-Down Love," author Sari Bashi shares her personal story of love and navigating a complex situation as a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer defending Palestinian freedom of movement.
Sari Bashis, a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer advocating for Palestinian freedom of movement, found her life further complicated when she fell in love with a Palestinian man living under occupation in Ramallah.
Jonathan Torrens, a Canadian personality, has used his time in the spotlight to focus on love, balance, and creativity.
In episode #210 of TanakhCast, the focus is on exploring themes of love, attraction, and desire in the Tanakh.
Season 3 of the Israeli show "Shtisel" delves into complex and compelling themes such as abortion, mental health, and the divide between Ashkenazim and Mizrahim, in addition to the familiar themes of grief, parenting, and love.
Bill King, a talented musician known for his keyboard skills and big heart, is featured on an episode of Not That Kind of Rabbi.
The text discusses the experience of loving and losing an addict, portraying the emotional journey of the narrator whose partner struggled with addiction and ultimately died from an overdose.