Tag: Marriage

In Issue 899 of Family First Inbox, the discussion revolves around the complexities of maintaining friendships amid life changes, particularly in the context of marriage and singlehood.
Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
The text discusses various issues and experiences shared by different individuals in the Jewish community.
Hunter Biden's memoir "Beautiful Things" serves as a tribute to his late brother Beau Biden and delves into his struggles with addiction, family dynamics, and his controversial involvement with the Ukranian company Burisma.
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, leading to a lack of appreciation for individuals who choose to combine Torah study with work or secular studies.
In Chapter 5 of "Picture This," Yonah Rosen reflects on marriage advice given at a celebration and struggles with his meticulous time management being disrupted on a trip with his wife, Estee.
In this Shiur, the hosts explore various fears that people commonly experience and discuss strategies for overcoming them.
Living with a spouse who has a personality disorder (PD) can be incredibly challenging.
A Jewish woman named Jacklyn and her Christian husband, Ed, are struggling with their differing views on Israel.
In honor of Valentine's Day, this article presents a collection of Jewish jokes about love.
This article discusses the myth of the perfect marriage perpetuated by Walt Disney and the unrealistic expectations it creates.
The author reflects on the experience of grieving the loss of her husband.
This article discusses the question of whether Jewish law obligates Israelis to continue with weddings despite the ongoing war and terror.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
The recent New Jersey appellate court decision upheld a woman's right to use social media to mobilize social pressure in seeking a Jewish divorce when her husband refuses to grant it, protecting her freedom of speech under the First Amendment.
Adina visits her mother and finds out that her sister, Sara, is getting divorced while pregnant.
"Unmatched" is a book written by Sarah Lavane, a pseudonym, that explores the journey of an Orthodox Jewish woman in search of a compatible life partner.
The Parashah of Ki Tetzei raises concerns about the treatment of women, illustrating problematic scenarios such as the marriage of a captive woman, laws regarding polygamy and divorce, cases of rape and dysfunctional marriages.
The author reflects on her experiences with dating and marriage after receiving a gett (Jewish divorce).
This memoir explores the author's experience as a religious wife in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on the regulations and restrictions surrounding a woman's menstrual cycle.
Cindy Seni is a Canadian participant on Netflix's popular matchmaking reality show, "Jewish Matchmaking," where she, along with other Jewish singles, seeks love through the guidance of an Orthodox matchmaker with the goal of marriage.
The discussion in this shiur focuses on whether young men in yeshiva should have a plan for earning a livelihood (parnassah).
The podcast discusses the recent school shooting in Nashville and emphasizes the need to safeguard vulnerable institutions from similar attacks in the future.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Aliza and Ephraim Bulow share their experience of maintaining their marriage despite Ephraim losing his faith in Judaism while Aliza remained observant.
"The Wanderers" is a play by Anna Ziegler that explores the deteriorating marriage of two Jewish authors, Abe and Sophie Hausman.