Tag: Materialism

Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
This Shiur, number 467 titled "Un-Lavish Living," explores the societal pressure and personal beliefs that lead individuals to overspend and live beyond their means.
The author reflects on their personal relationship with money, acknowledging that they are drawn to it despite knowing that it isn't the most important thing in life.
The author discusses the rising costs and materialism associated with sending children to summer camp.
Rabbi Yonatan Neril, founder of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development in Jerusalem, highlights the need for a spiritual transformation to address the intensifying climate crisis caused by materialism and a lack of compassion for the natural world.
The article discusses the theme of masquerade and its significance in Jewish culture, drawing connections to the film "Clueless" and various ancient Jewish texts.
The author reflects on his father's relationship with material possessions and his own struggle with materialism as a Jewish man.
Daphne Merkin's new collection of essays, "The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Bronts, and the Importance of Handbags," explores themes of meaning, self-awareness, materialism, and Jewish identity.