Tag: Mishloach Manot

New Yorkers celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim in various ways, from lively street parties in Brooklyn to a solemn rally in Central Park.
In response to the ongoing conflict and hostage situation involving 134 captives abducted by Hamas, Jodi Rudoren reflects on participating in a social-media campaign called Tastes Like Home, which aims to humanize the hostages by sharing their favorite cookie recipes and stories.
With Purim approaching, the article presents five Hamantaschen recipes that aim to prevent the common issue of cookies exploding in the oven.
Naomi Ross shares her childhood memories of making traditional triangular Purim cookies called hamantaschen with her family, evolving the recipes into more sophisticated flavors like Drunken Cherry-Chocolate hamantaschen.
In New York City, Purim celebrations for 2024 offer a variety of events including traditional megillah readings, masquerade parties, Purim plays, and family-friendly activities.
"The Joy of Purim—Alcohol Not Included" explores the author's personal struggle with the tradition of drinking on Purim and the deeper meaning behind the joy of the holiday.
The tradition of mishloach manot, giving food packages on Purim, has evolved into a competitive and extravagant display of creativity among Jewish families, with themes matching costumes and elaborate contents.
Mishloach Manot, the act of giving food gifts on Purim, does not require the foods to be from different blessing categories, contrary to a common misconception.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.