Tag: Moses

The discussion in this week's Parashah of Shemot emphasizes the impact of negative energy and lashon hara (negative speech) on individuals and those around them.
The essay discusses the enigmatic episode of the Mei Meribah incident in the Torah, where Moses and Aaron are punished for their actions.
The article discusses the author's discovery of Johnny Cash's music and its resonance with their own spiritual longing for God.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
This article explores the relationship between humility and effective leadership, with a particular focus on Jewish teachings and traditions.
In Parshat Ki Tavo, Moses instructs the Israelites to stand on two different mountains, Har Gerizim and Har Eival, to recite blessings and curses.
Recent events in Israel and the United States have raised questions about leadership and followership during times of crisis.
In Parshat Ekev, Moses describes the Land of Israel as a place of abundance and prosperity, contrasting it with the negative images and fear described by the leaders who scouted the land in Numbers 13.
The 17th of Tammuz is a day in the Jewish calendar that commemorates various historical tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people.
In this poem, the author reflects on the story of Rahab from the Hebrew Bible.
Fans of Taylor Swift have been experiencing amnesia after attending her Eras tour concert, with many unable to remember important details of the performance.
The author points out the absence of Moses in the celebration of Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the giving of the law.
The author, Tamar Ross, responds to a review of the book "The Revelation at Sinai: What Does Torah from Heaven Mean?", edited by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden.
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
The text tells the story of Moses reflecting on his journey as the leader of the Jewish people.
In this humorous and imaginative piece, David Zvi Kalman presents a dialogue between Moses and God discussing the challenges of transmitting and preserving the complex laws and instructions that God wants to give to the Israelites.
"The Revelation at Sinai: What does Torah from Heaven Mean?" is a book that explores the concept of revelation and its significance in Judaism.
The book of Jubilees, written during the Second Temple period, is a creative retelling of Genesis and parts of Exodus that presents alternate storylines and connections between characters.
In this episode of Adventures in Jewish Studies, host Avishay Artsy and guest scholars Julia Watts Belser and nili Broyer discuss the connection between Jewish studies and disability studies.
The 17th of Tammuz, a fast day in the Jewish calendar, is described as a post-COVID holiday that encourages individuals to break away from old restrictions, traditions, and expectations.
The story of the Golden Calf in the book of Exodus explores the relationship between God, Moses, and the Jewish people.
The article discusses the story of the Golden Calf and its connection to a Talmudic passage about Moses and Rabbi Akiba.
The article highlights the importance of visionary leadership in Judaism.
The book of Deuteronomy emphasizes the importance of Moses to Israel's history, declaring him the greatest prophet and leader they have ever had.
This text tells the story of Moyshe-Itzke, an anointed writer who believes he will live forever.