Tag: Palestine

The discussion revolves around the controversial phrase "From the river to the sea" and its implications regarding the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Zionism, as discussed in the text, is framed within the context of the Indigenous Sovereignty Movement, with the focus on the Jewish people's rightful claim to Israel, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as their ancestral sovereign land.
The essay reflects on the intersection of feminism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, criticizing how some feminist movements prioritize supporting Palestine over condemning sexual violence against Jewish women in Israel.
The article discusses incidents of Israeli soldiers engaging in sexual humiliation by posing with and wearing Palestinian women's lingerie, sharing these images on social media during the conflict in Gaza.
Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old U.S. airman, self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, with differing interpretations of his action.
Exploring the historical reasons behind why modern-day Israel was previously called Palestine and its inhabitants referred to as Palestinians, including Jews.
Rabbi Robin Podolsky criticizes President Biden for not taking decisive action to stop the suffering in Gaza, arguing that he has the power to do so by pressuring Netanyahu to end the violence.
A humorous and poignant account is given of a friendship between the writer and a former army paratrooper who is struggling with alcoholism and health issues.
In a recent vote by Canada's lawmakers, a motion proposed by the NDP to unilaterally recognize Palestine was amended to maintain Canada's support for a two-state solution through negotiations between Israel and Palestinians.
The discussion highlights instances of controversial comments and perspectives surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict.
In a guest essay for Future of Jewish, Nachum Kaplan of Moral Clarity challenges the narrative of "No peace on stolen land," commonly heard at pro-Palestinian rallies.
The author discusses how the Israeli government's conduct in the war against Hamas in Gaza is contributing to rising antisemitism, making American Jews feel less safe.
In a discussion focusing on the language used in media coverage of Israel and Palestine, the choice of words like apartheid, settler colonialism, and human shields sheds light on differing perspectives.
Amid escalating violence in Gaza, there is global condemnation of Israel's actions, with criticism ranging from accusations of genocide to apartheid.
Jonathan Glazer, director of "The Zone of Interest," won the Best Foreign Film Oscar at the recent Academy Awards ceremony.
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
In a discussion with Norman Finkelstein, the speaker reflects on Israel's control over Palestinians in Gaza and the breakdown of the management process post-October 7th, leading to a humanitarian crisis.
The text discusses various events and opinions related to the Jewish world, including the UNRWA's actions in Gaza, political stances on the Israel-Hamas conflict, behavior towards Israelis, fact-checking by the BBC, threats against a Jewish actress, legislative actions in Israel, interviews with controversial figures, humanitarian aid issues, and critiques of political decisions.
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global impact.
The discussion delves into the accusation of Israel being a settler-colonial regime, often leveled in academic and global contexts.
Neri Zilber hosts Col. (res.) Dr. Michael Milshtein on Israel Policy Forum's podcast to discuss the current situation in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Ussama Makdisi, Professor of History at the University of California Berkeley and known for his work on the modern Arab world, discusses themes of equality and coexistence in Palestine and Israel in a recent interview.
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a U.S. citizen and political analyst from Gaza, emphasizes the need for the left to stop apologizing for Hamas as part of pro-Palestine activism.
The text discusses the reasons why Palestine does not exist from the perspective of a Jewish publication.
Future of Jewish's "What the hell is going on?" series delves into recent events in the Jewish world, highlighting a tragic incident of a man setting himself on fire outside the Embassy of Israel in protest of Palestinian issues and subsequent reactions on social media and by political figures.