Tag: Palestine

The article discusses how the Palestinian cause has been tied to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement by left-wing activists.
The article discusses the emergence of a new academic journal called Palestine/Israel Review, which advocates for a relational approach to studying the intertwined histories of Israel and Palestine.
The Edina Public Schools in Minnesota are facing a federal investigation for alleged Islamophobic discrimination.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) recently issued a ruling on South Africa's case alleging that Israel is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
Negotiations are underway in Paris for a two-month cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, in exchange for the release of over 100 hostages being held in Gaza.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is currently hearing a case where South Africa has accused Israel of committing genocide in response to Hamas' genocidal attacks.
This article presents 30 thought-provoking questions about the Israel-Hamas war, covering a range of topics from the role of Iran in Syria and Lebanon, to the unique challenges of warfare in Gaza, to the influence of Hamas on the content coming out of Gaza.
The author of the text is making a video discussion with Rashid Khalidi, a prominent scholar on Palestine and Israel, publicly available due to the significance of Khalidi's comments.
During a recent debate among the top candidates for California's open Senate seat, Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff, all progressive Democrats, showed some differences in their views on Israel.
Anti-Israelism is a prejudice against all things Israeli, which should not be confused with hatred of Jews.
Deborah E. Lipstadt's biography of Golda Meir portrays a life marked by accomplishments and guilt for not doing more to save Holocaust victims.
Fifteen Jewish House Democrats, including some pro-Israel stalwarts, have criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for rejecting the idea of creating an independent Palestinian state after the Israel-Hamas war.
In this article, the author expresses support for a two-state solution but opposes giving land to Palestinians if it leads to a genocidal Palestinian entity that promotes violence against Jews.
The article refutes several common antisemitic beliefs about Jews and Israel.
The article discusses the economic situation in the Palestinian territories and the role of corruption and terrorism in shaping it.
The article discusses the United Nations' bias against Israel and its obsession with singling out the country for criticism.
In this discussion, the question of whether Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land is explored.
This article discusses the tendency of Palestinians to lie in order to advance their political goals and demonize Israel.
Over 1,000 current and former members of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), the largest denomination in North America, have signed an open letter calling for an immediate cease-fire in Israel and Palestine.
The film "Israelism" follows the stories of two young American Jews, Simone Zimmerman and Eitan, who were initially raised to unconditionally love Israel but grew disillusioned after witnessing the mistreatment of Palestinians.
The movie Israelism, directed by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, follows the experiences of two American Jews, Simone Zimmerman and Eitan, as they become disillusioned with Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
The map from Martin Gilbert's book "The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Its History in Maps" shows that Jews were the main settled population in the land that eventually became known as Palestine for over 1,600 years.
The Daily Bruin, a student newspaper at the University of California, Los Angeles, has fired a Jewish student reporter, Eli Nachimson, after they spoke at a pro-Palestinian rally.
Pro-Israel activists in Portland are troubled by the congressional candidacy of Susheela Jayapal, sister of Rep. Pramila Jayapal, known for her criticism of Israel.
The author receives an email from his son's high school principal informing him of a potential student-led demonstration in support of Palestine, which causes him distress given the recent surge in anti-Semitic violence.