Tag: Palestine

The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in the media regarding its conflict with Hamas.
The United States blocked a UN Security Council resolution blaming Israel for deaths during a humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza.
The text criticizes human rights organizations, particularly Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International, for their disproportionate focus on Israel and their failure to condemn Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, including the lack of acknowledgment of Jewish victims in the conflict.
The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
Instagram has been accused of suppressing content related to the Israel-Hamas conflict, leading to posts being deleted or demoted without clear explanations.
A customer in Tel Aviv tried to return a damaged book to Amazon, but was met with a customer service representative who claimed they only saw Palestine on the map and then abruptly hung up.
The Labour Party in the UK, under Keir Starmer's leadership, has faced internal challenges regarding its stance on Israel's actions in Gaza.
Israeli and U.S. officials estimate that only a small fraction of the extensive tunnel network built by Hamas in Gaza has been demolished so far, despite ongoing efforts by the IDF to detect and neutralize these tunnels.
The video discusses the origins of Hamas and challenges the claim that Israel created the group, highlighting the complexities of its history and the geopolitical context at the time.
Intersectionality has led to a complex support for Palestine within various social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, due to the belief in a social binary dividing oppressed and oppressor groups, the understanding of whiteness as a fluid social construct benefiting those classified as white, and a commitment to solidarity in liberation struggles.
The text discusses the challenging dilemma Israel faces regarding hostages held by Hamas and the option of prioritizing war over rescuing the hostages.
Bassem Eid, a Palestinian Arab born in Jerusalem, had a negative perception of Jews as a child due to his aunt's claim that they ate humans.
Hundreds of protesters in Manhattan staged disruptive demonstrations to protest Israel's invasion of Rafah.
This article explores the historical context and cultural appropriation surrounding the Palestinian cause.
The author reflects on a novel they wrote that features a Jewish protagonist facing persecution.
A young Jewish student in Berlin was brutally assaulted after being heckled about his views on Israel by a fellow activist.
The author, who identifies as both Black and Jewish, argues that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs need to be reimagined in order to address the needs of Jewish people.
This text discusses the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the difficult position Israel is in.
The article discusses the song "Salaam Shalom" by Raffi, an Israeli-Canadian musician.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding Taylor Swift's silence on the conflict in Gaza during the Grammys.
The article discusses the support for the Palestinian cause among young Jewish students, particularly focusing on the case of Ariela Rosenzweig, a student who has joined a hunger strike at Brown University calling for divestment from Israel.
Nineteen Brown University students, including a Jewish student and a Palestinian student, are currently on a hunger strike to protest the university's policies regarding divestment from Israel-affiliated assets.
The recent Grammys saw Israeli and Jewish artists making statements about the war in Gaza and the October 7 attack in Israel.
The text discusses the historical pattern of the United States undermining Israeli interests in the Middle East.
The author reflects on their visits to Gaza, highlighting the contrasting realities of wealth and poverty in the region.