Tag: Pluralism

Students affiliated with Columbias Hillel responded to a protest movement on their campus, addressing slogans bordering on antisemitism and calling for respect for religious identity.
The text discusses a group of US-based rabbis and cantors who have called for a ceasefire in the conflict involving Israel and Hamas, criticizing them for what the author sees as a lack of understanding of Jewish values and the security concerns facing Israel.
Harvard Hillel's former director, Bernie Steinberg, passed away at the age of 78.
Bernie Steinberg, former director of Harvard Hillel, has passed away at the age of 78.
In his book "The Adjectival Liberal and The Kingship of God," Michael Walzer proposes defending liberalism not as an overarching ideology, but as a way of being.
Jewish outreach, or kiruv, is still active and has had some successes, although it has changed from its heyday in the 1990s.
In this discussion, there is a focus on the diversity of Israel's coalition government and the contrasting opinions that surround it.
Yehuda (Udi) Dvorkin reflects on the teachings of Rav Shagar, emphasizing the ongoing publication of his works and the importance of understanding his philosophy.
Gidon Rothstein responds to Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl's essay, highlighting their shared background influenced by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings but differing on certain points.
In a discussion with members of the Knesset and local rabbis, an Orthodox rabbi reflects on the misalignment between American and Israeli Jewish communities, particularly concerning Yom Haatzmaut.
The article discusses the creation and impact of the animated film "Lights," a midrash on the Hanukkah story focusing on anti-Semitism and assimilation.