Tag: Rabbi Sacks

The article discusses the need to reclaim Zionism for the center ground amid controversies in the Jewish community.
The author reflects on the passing of their grandparent, Grandma Frances, who belonged to a remarkable generation that faced hardships during the Second World War, contrary to the focus usually placed on Holocaust survivors.
The late Rabbi Nachum Rabinovich, influential in UK Judaism and a mentor to Rabbi Sacks, believed in a rationalist Judaism blending universal and specific elements, drawing inspiration from Maimonides.
Rabbi Sacks' popular Covenant & Conversation essays on the weekly Torah portion, originally an email series and now in book form, have been released in a family edition by Rabbi Daniel Rose to foster inter-generational learning.
This article features personal perspectives and experiences in the aftermath of Hamas atrocities in Israel.
The author discusses the interpretation of the Haftorah portion from the book of Yeshaya (Isaiah), which is traditionally read on the Sabbath before Tisha B'Av.
In this episode of Judaism & Non-Jewish Culture, Professor Zvi Zohar explores the topic of Abarbanel, a Jewish thinker, with Rabbi Steven Dansky.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, was a highly influential figure in Anglo-Jewry and the global Jewish community.
This article reflects on two different stages of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' life and the impact he had.