Tag: Retirement

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum has led Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the largest LGBTQ+ synagogue in the nation, for 32 years and has built it into a thriving inclusive community advocating for social justice.
Diego Schwartzman, a prominent Jewish tennis player, has announced his retirement from professional tennis after struggling in recent years, with plans to retire after the Argentina Open in 2025.
Jewish tennis player Diego Schwartzman, ranked 142 in the ATP mens rankings, has announced his retirement after the Argentina Open in February 2025, citing the difficulty of maintaining his intensity and enjoyment for the game.
After six years of service, Katherine Brice, the headteacher of Hasmonean High School for Girls, is set to retire in January.
Annie's father surprises her by revealing his consideration of retirement due to the failing business of their hotel.
Howard Kohr, the CEO of the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) since 1996, has announced his retirement by the end of the year.
The article discusses the anger and criticism directed at late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not retiring during President Obama's term, potentially allowing for a liberal replacement.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding Senator Dianne Feinstein's reluctance to step down due to her age and potential cognitive decline.
The article provides a list of 18 ideas for how to handle retirement without driving.
Phillip Lopate, a renowned essayist and professor, recently retired from Columbia University after a long and successful career.
Basketball star Sue Bird, known for her outstanding career with the Seattle Storm, recently announced her retirement after 21 years.
Legal scholar Adam White discussed Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement on a podcast, exploring his legacy, impact on the court, lack of respect from liberals, and interesting details from past confirmation battles.
Justice Stephen Breyer, the oldest justice and one of three liberals on the Supreme Court, is retiring, leaving Elena Kagan as the sole Jewish justice.
Julian Edelman, a prominent Jewish NFL player and Superbowl MVP, recently retired after a successful 12-season career with the New England Patriots.
Congresswoman Nita Lowey's retirement after 32 years in office is discussed on the latest episode of People of the Pod.
Renowned hockey broadcaster Stan Fischler, known as The Hockey Maven, is retiring at 86 after a long career covering the New York Islanders, Rangers, and New Jersey Devils.
Rep. Steve Israel, a prominent Democratic Congressman from Long Island, has announced his decision to retire from Congress after eight terms.
After being responsible for signing jury duty summons in New York for 45 years, Norman Goodman, the New York County Clerk, is retiring on his 91st birthday.