Tag: Self Acceptance

The author reflects on their struggles with self-image and beauty standards, having been told they weren't conventionally pretty as a teenager.
The concept of the shadow self, as defined by Carl Jung, refers to the unconscious parts of our personality that we disown, affecting our behavior, emotions, and beliefs.
The author reflects on embracing her gray hair as a natural sign of aging and wisdom rather than concealing it, drawing inspiration from Jewish teachings that view gray hair as a crown of glory earned through a righteous life.
Jewish author Bess Kalb has written a children's book called "Buffalo Fluffalo" that aims to make kids laugh and feel comforted.
Michael Witkes, a professional drag queen known as Pink Pancake, is turning a tragic bar mitzvah experience into a one-woman drag show, called "Today You Are a Man."
The author reflects on her experience as the only nonwhite Jewish girl in her community during her bat mitzvah in 1982.
"Shuvi Nafshi: Hesed o Herut" explores the paradox of teshuva, or repentance, by questioning whether it is about changing ourselves or accepting who we are, and whether it is about personal freedom or divine grace.
The author shares their personal experience of dealing with white hair and the insecurities it brought them.
Jennifer Pastiloff, a popular yoga teacher and writer, is known for her exceptional listening skills, despite being profoundly deaf.
Rav Shagar, an influential thinker in Israel's Dati Leumi community, focused on the concept of accepting the yoke of Heaven in his teachings.
The writer reflects on her journey towards self-liberation and self-acceptance following her divorce, particularly in the context of celebrating Pesach without her children and the societal pressure to be liked by everyone.
The author reflects on their challenging relationship with their Israeli mother, longing for a more conventional and gentle maternal figure.
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism.
The author reflects on her journey towards embracing her Jewish hair, once a source of shame and struggle, which she came to celebrate during a transformative experience at a trance music festival in Israel.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.