Tag: Sephardim

Descendants of hidden Jews in Asia, particularly the Macanese in Macau, China, and the Kristang people in Singapore and Malaysia, are mixed-heritage creole communities who maintain unique languages inherited from their Sephardic Jewish ancestors forced to convert to Catholicism in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition.
From December 1 to December 8, Shabbat times in various UK cities are listed alongside the Torah portion for Saturday, December 2 (Vayishlach) and the haftarah readings.
From October 13th to October 20th, Shabbat times in the UK are provided, starting on Friday October 13th at 5:57 in London and concluding on Friday October 20th at 5:42 in London.
The Jewish culinary history of South Carolina dates back to the late 1600s when Sephardic Jews, exiled from Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition, sought refuge in the state.
This article traces the culinary history and cultural significance of beets in Jewish cuisine.
The practice of reading the Song of Songs on Shabbat Chol Hamoed, the Sabbath during the intermediate days of Passover, is unique to Ashkenazi synagogues.
Orthodox Judaism is characterized by diversity and fragmentation, with various subgroups and traditions within the community.
In "Crazy Rich Sephardim" by Jonathan Kaufman, the author focuses on the interconnected stories of the Sassoon and Kadoorie families, two prominent Sephardic Jewish dynasties.
Celebrate Purim and Yom Kippur with the Sephardic treat hojuelas, reminiscent of Esther's megillah scroll.
Quinoa has received kosher for Passover certification from the OU and has been established as not kitniyot, making it suitable for all Jews during the holiday.
Meyer Habib, a French politician of Tunisian descent, is a strong advocate for French Jews, especially in issues related to professional qualifications recognized in Israel.
Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three major topics in the "BDS and the Rat Bastard Conundrum" edition.
Gad Elmaleh, a Moroccan-Jewish-French comedian, is making a name for himself in English-language stand-up comedy, incorporating aspects of Sephardic Jewish culture into his acts.
The text discusses the lessons learned from the Rachel Dolezal controversy, emphasizing the importance of owning one's identity.