Tag: Sexual Violence

The author describes their experience at the White House attending a hearing on conflict-related sexual violence and watching the documentary "Screams Before Silence."
The text discusses the alarming phenomenon of rape denialism, particularly in the context of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, where they engaged in horrific acts of sexual violence against Israeli civilians.
Daphne Lazar Price, the executive director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA), spoke at a conference about supporting women in the Orthodox community.
Sheryl Sandberg reflects on her initial misjudgment of the response to antisemitism after witnessing the rescue of hostages in Israel by researching and creating a documentary called "Screams Before Silence" about the sexual violence inflicted on the captives.
Sheryl Sandberg reflects on her awakening to the rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments in progressive circles following the rescue of hostages held by Hamas.
Hadassah has launched the global campaign "End The Silence" to bring attention to the weaponization of sexual violence by Hamas, with over 130,000 people and 116 organizations signing a letter to the UN Secretary-General demanding an unbiased investigation.
Brook Parker-Bello, a survivor of human trafficking and advocate for victims, felt a deep connection with the hostages kidnapped by Hamas following her own traumatic experiences.
In the aftermath of the October 7th attacks in Gaza, Israeli documentaries like #NOVA and Bearing Witness aim to provide evidence and counter denial of the violence that occurred, particularly focusing on the killings and kidnappings by Hamas fighters.
The essay reflects on the intersection of feminism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, criticizing how some feminist movements prioritize supporting Palestine over condemning sexual violence against Jewish women in Israel.
In a series of events starting from October 7, some American Jews have observed a perceived shift in President Biden's stance towards Israel, with concerns escalating regarding his actions that seem detrimental to Israel's interests.
The United Nations released a report on Hamas attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, acknowledging violence against Israeli women, but falling short of condemning it unequivocally despite evidence of rapes, murders, and burning of victims.
On International Women's Day, Noa Tishby calls for global recognition of the sexual violence, torture, and murder perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women on Oct. 7.
Yossi Cohen, the former head of Mossad and a potential future prime minister of Israel, discusses intelligence failures leading up to a significant event, his views on responsibility, the Palestinian state, and the possibility of entering politics in an interview.
The UN's Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict released a report detailing the rapes and torture of Israeli women near Gaza on Oct. 7 by Hamas, with ongoing concerns for hostages still held in Gaza facing similar abuses.
On International Women's Day, Megan Gittoes reflects on the horrific sexual violence suffered by Israeli women at the hands of Hamas during the October 7 massacre.
A recent UN report highlights the rapes and sexual violence committed by Hamas, pointing out a disturbing silence from women's organizations regarding these crimes against Jewish women, despite their usual advocacy against such violence.
The UN recently confirmed that Israeli women experienced sexual violence on Oct. 7, despite ongoing skepticism and conspiracy theories surrounding these reports.
A United Nations report released in response to sexual violence during Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7 validated Israeli claims of rape and assault, with reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred that day and continued with hostages taken to Gaza.
Noa Girls, a charity supporting young Jewish women with mental health struggles, faces a dilemma regarding International Women's Day due to the lack of support for Jewish women in light of recent events of sexual assault in Israel.
Yael Sherer, an Israeli journalist, filmmaker, and policy-maker, is a leading advocate for survivors of sexual violence through her organization, Survivors of Sexual Violence Advocacy Group (SSVAG).
Actress Debra Messing is working on a documentary titled "Primal Fear" about the Jewish reality of the post-October 7 world, focusing on both college campuses and the streets of the US, as well as the attack in Israel.
Sheryl Sandberg, a Jewish entrepreneur and former COO of Facebook, is making a documentary titled "Screams Before Silence" about sexual violence that occurred in Israel on October 7.
The author reflects on the importance of believing and supporting survivors of sexual violence.
The New York Times published a report detailing a campaign of coordinated sexual violence by Hamas during the October 7 attacks in Israel.
The article discusses the need for safety, respect, and equity in light of recent acts of violence and antisemitism.