Tag: Shabbos

The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox."
A panel discussion in Shiur 471 focuses on the topic of electricity on Shabbat and explores the implications for Shabbat observance.
The discussion revolves around the importance of truly caring about Shabbos beyond just observing it by default.
The article discusses the evolution and challenges faced by Reform Judaism, particularly in the context of assimilation and changing attitudes towards Jewish practice.
"The Rabbi's Daughter" recounts a visit to Yerushalayim with the author's parents who recently made aliyah.
The discussion in Shiur 466 revolves around the permissibility of using electronic devices on Shabbat, particularly those activated through brainwaves or voice commands like Alexa.
Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss burning questions parents have about raising children in relation to Gemara on the first episode of "Lets Talk Gemara."
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linking it to non-Jewish practices.
In "On Call: Chapter 3 Jeopardy," the protagonist, a medical resident, grapples with being called into work on Shabbat as a substitute for a colleague.
In this chapter titled "Jeopardy" from a story called "On Call," a Jewish medical resident is confronted with a dilemma when asked to cover a Saturday night on call shift, conflicting with Shabbat observance.
Dini reflects on the tension in her family after Shabbos, where Ta favors a new manager over his sons, particularly Shuki, causing Dini's frustration to resurface.
In this article, Meir Kaplan, a young man from a background where technology use is discouraged, seeks guidance from his rebbi, Yossie, to purchase a smartphone.
The text humorously discusses the challenges the author faces in maintaining a peaceful Shabbos with young children in the house.
In this piece, a young woman reflects on her struggle with maintaining modesty by keeping her hair covered according to Jewish tradition, especially in the presence of her grandfather (Zeidy).
The article discusses the author's son's extraordinary talent for picking locks, which he has demonstrated from a young age.
This article discusses three different topics.
The discussion revolves around the potential negative impact of technology on religious values, particularly in the Orthodox Jewish community.
In this Shiur discussion, various scenarios related to Jewish religious and communal life during times of warfare are addressed.
The article discusses various scenarios related to the laws of borer (selecting and separating) on Shabbat.
In this Shiur, Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht discusses various halachic issues related to using Amazon on Shabbat.
In a conversation with Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, a respected posek, he discusses various halachic questions that have arisen due to the recent Hamas attacks in Israel.
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, on Shabbat.
The Forward recently received a pre-Shabbat greeting in Yiddish from an Israeli reserve soldier named Yonatan.
In Chapter 1 of "Tale of TreeO," Nellie and her twin brother Eli find themselves being chased by what Nellie believes to be a hyena in the woods near their home.
The author shares an update on their life, mentioning that their wife had a freak accident resulting in a small fracture but no need for surgery.