Tag: Tzedakah

The text discusses the concept of supporting a husband's spiritual growth in a marriage, drawing on the wisdom of the Eishes Chayil from Proverbs and insights from various Jewish scholars.
The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox."
The article explores the concept of noticing what is not seen, using the analogy from Sherlock Holmes' story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze."
This Shiur, number 467 titled "Un-Lavish Living," explores the societal pressure and personal beliefs that lead individuals to overspend and live beyond their means.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
The text discusses the theme of helping individuals navigate challenges and crises, particularly within the context of the Israeli war.
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm.
In this op-ed, the author reflects on the need for Jewish philanthropy to support Jewish refugees who have been internally displaced due to the ongoing war in Israel.
In this issue of Family First, different readers write in to share their thoughts and ask questions on various topics.
The article tells the story of Rivka, who was struggling with how to handle her friend Leah's religious instability.
As the end of the year approaches, the author notices a lot of year-end checklists circulating on social media but finds them to be unrelatable.
The author reflects on their experiences of Yom Kippur as they grew up.
Clore Tikva, a primary school in Redbridge, received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program, surpassing its previous inspection.
Celebrity chef and food influencer Eitan Bernath has partnered with the United Nations World Food Programme to raise awareness about global food insecurity.
The article discusses the importance of engaging in acts of chesed (kindness) as a central component of Jewish life.
Daily Giving is a website that allows people to donate one dollar each day, with the funds going to different charitable organizations on a rotating basis.
This article explores three Talmudic stories related to the practices of giving gifts to friends (mishloah manot) and giving presents to the poor (matanot la-evyonim) during the Jewish holiday of Purim.
The article discusses the need for a moonshot in Jewish philanthropy, aiming for universal Jewish giving.
The article argues that the Jewish concept of tzedakah, meaning justice, should be prioritized over philanthropy.
Anne Buydens Douglas, who died at the age of 102, was known for her philanthropy and her collaboration with her husband, Kirk Douglas, in donating their wealth to various charities.
In the discussion of tzedakah (charitable giving) in Jewish law, there are principles of prioritization to guide donors in making decisions.
In this piece, the author mourns the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) and expresses anger and frustration over various issues plaguing society, including the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, and political turmoil leading up to the election.
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised ethical questions about how to practice Judaism and care for vulnerable populations.
Bonnie Glick, Deputy Administrator at USAID, emphasizes self-reliance as the pinnacle of tzedakah.
Alix Greenberg's innovative platform, ArtSugar, blends art collecting with tikkun olam by donating 5 percent of each sale to a charity chosen by buyers from a diverse list.