Tag: Tzedakah

Alix Greenberg's innovative platform, ArtSugar, blends art collecting with tikkun olam by donating 5 percent of each sale to a charity chosen by buyers from a diverse list.
In episode 83 of Unorthodox, guests include Sana Krasikov discussing her novel "The Patriots" about a Jewish-American family affected by the Cold War, and Republican strategist Patrick Ruffini talking about data and technology in political campaigns.
Rabbi Zev Farber talks about his books on Jewish law and organ donation, illustrating how Jewish law is evolving to address modern issues.
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its perception of God as punitive.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.
In this poignant account, the author describes hosting women who travel far for late-term abortions in New York due to restrictive laws in their home states, highlighting the vital role of the Haven Coalition in providing support.