Tag: Zionism

In the debate between Salo Wittmayer Baron and Yitzhak Baer concerning the nature of Jewish diaspora, Baron, advocating a positive view of American multicultural liberalism, believes in the richness of cultural pluralism and the safety it offers to Jews as part of the majority in the United States.
Amid escalating violence in Gaza, there is global condemnation of Israel's actions, with criticism ranging from accusations of genocide to apartheid.
The article challenges Franklin Foer's assertion in The Atlantic that the Golden Age of American Jews is ending due to a supposed rise in antisemitism and criticism of Israel.
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, a Christian nationalist, introduced a bill for Holocaust education in public schools alongside Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski, who has previously blamed Zionism for the Holocaust and has endorsed Mastriano's political campaigns.
The text discusses the current state of division and polarization within Israeli and Jewish society, emphasizing how political differences have led to a lack of empathy and understanding between individuals of opposing views.
Guernica, a prestigious literary magazine, faced backlash and mass resignations after retracting an essay by Israeli writer Joanna Chen that humanized both Israelis and Palestinians.
Guernica magazine retracted an essay by Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen titled "From The Edges Of A Broken World" after criticism from staff members and others.
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global impact.
The Future of Jewish newsletter features a guest essay by artist Anna Abramzon discussing the silencing of Jewish artists amid anti-Israel sentiments.
Pro-Palestinian activists recently destroyed a century-old portrait of Arthur James Balfour in the U.K., citing the ongoing bloodshed of Palestinian people since the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
The text discusses a double standard in the global spotlight on Israel and Jews, highlighting instances of violence and oppression elsewhere that receive less attention.
The discussion delves into the accusation of Israel being a settler-colonial regime, often leveled in academic and global contexts.
The owner of Weathered Waves bar in Salt Lake City sparked controversy by posting on Instagram that no Zionists are allowed, equating Zionism with racism and white supremacy but claiming not to be antisemitic.
The text discusses how two non-Jewish generals, John Henry Patterson and Edmund Allenby, played significant roles in paving the way for the creation of Israel.
Judith Butler, a prominent academic known for their work on gender, recently caused controversy for describing the October 7 uprising as an act of armed resistance, sparking criticism that they support Hamas.
The text discusses the current situation in Gaza, where Israel's policies are leading to starvation and a lack of aid reaching the people due to restrictions and bombings, supported by the US with weapons.
The text discusses the Israeli approach to external perceptions and challenges facing the Jewish community, particularly during the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The text discusses the importance of education in Jewish communities, particularly regarding Jewish identity, Zionism, and Israel education.
On October 7, 2023, a significant event occurred that deeply impacted Jewish history, causing trauma and exposing ongoing challenges.
The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
The text discusses the author's experience with the BBC during a job interview, highlighting the BBC's bias against Israel and Zionism, which is viewed as a form of antisemitism.
The text discusses the concept of "root-cause analysis" or root-causism in understanding complex events, particularly within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as broader historical and political phenomena.
The University of California Santa Barbara's multicultural center was recently targeted with signs condemning Zionism and specifically naming the Jewish student body president, Tessa Veksler.
In a response to Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove's suggestions for talking about Israel with those holding different views, Diane Shane Fruchtman critiques the assumptions underlying the proposed questions as patronizing and ungenerous.
Itamar Moses' play, "The Ally," delves into the complexities of Israel, social justice, and activism on an American college campus.