Tag: Zionism

The article discusses the author's personal journey from not being raised in a Zionist environment to becoming deeply connected to Zionism after living in Israel.
Jeffrey Blutinger, the director of Jewish Studies at Cal State University Long Beach, was invited to give a lecture at San Jose State University on Israeli-Palestinian relations, which was disrupted by protesters opposed to having a Zionist speaker on campus.
The Biden administration has denied rumors of unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state but has reaffirmed support for a two-state solution, partly influenced by the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Recent and forthcoming books explore the growing opposition to Zionism among young activists, with discussions highlighting the generational and ideological divides within the Jewish community.
The text discusses several key points about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Rabbi Andy Bachman criticizes an anonymous op-ed calling for Jewish summer camps to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more directly, arguing that the piece lacks specificity and fails to acknowledge the nuanced approaches various camps take on the issue.
Toby Lloyd's debut novel "Fervour" delves into a North London Jewish family's complex dynamics, blending Orthodox tradition with an appreciation for the arts.
Novara Media held a trial-like interview with Bernie Sanders, focusing on his views as a Jewish liberal Zionist.
A recent survey conducted among Orthodox Jews in the U.S. by Nishma Research shows significant differences in attitudes towards Zionism within the Orthodox community.
A pro-Palestinian faculty group at Harvard University apologized for sharing an image deemed antisemitic, featuring a hand with a Star of David and a dollar sign holding Muhammad Ali and an Egyptian leader in a noose.
The text discusses the challenges of combatting antisemitism and negative attitudes towards Jews, particularly related to Israel.
In a conversation with pro-Palestinians, the dialogue brings up the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, touching on issues like ceasefires, civilian casualties, Hamas tactics, historical land claims, Palestinian refugees, and UNRWA's role.
Matisyahu, the reggae artist known for incorporating Judaism into his music, has accused consecutive venues of canceling his shows because of antisemitism.
Haaretz, Israel's oldest daily newspaper, has been accused of being anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.
This text highlights the rise of antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel in left-wing and progressive circles.
The text highlights various instances of what the author perceives as Jewish double standards.
The author discusses their experience of speaking out against Hamas and student organizations that support it while teaching at Columbia University.
In this essay, Fania Oz-Salzberger, a history professor, declares herself a humanist Zionist despite the challenges faced by Zionism.
In this article, Paul Shaviv discusses the current global wave of antisemitism and highlights the historical waves of antisemitism that have shaped our understanding of this phenomenon.
The author argues against the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, claiming that it is a step towards another Lebanon and would doom the Zionist project.
Meital Orr, a professor at Georgetown University, teaches a course titled "Re-examining the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Literature and Film" that explores how Israeli and Palestinian literature and cinema depict the Other.
Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted the Museum of Modern Art in New York to demand a free Palestine and an art world without Zionism.
This article explores the historical context and cultural appropriation surrounding the Palestinian cause.
The author argues that the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by its supreme religious leader, poses a significant threat to the civilized world, comparable to Adolf Hitler.
Social media company Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, has shut down the accounts of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for repeatedly violating its Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policy.