Tag: Zionism

"Ben-Hur" is an iconic tale that has transcended various forms of media throughout history, originating in a novel by General Lew Wallace in 1880 and achieving remarkable success in a stage play, a silent film, and finally the acclaimed 1959 MGM movie that won 11 Academy Awards.
The essay discusses the convergence of political and emotional turmoil experienced in the context of Israel, the Palestinians, and the Jewish community, particularly highlighted through a controversy involving an article critical of Israel in a leftist literary journal.
The U.S. Department of Education is launching a discrimination investigation into UC Santa Barbara following an incident where the Jewish student body president, Tessa Veksler, was targeted with inflammatory signs accusing her of supporting genocide.
The author will be hosting a Zoom call to answer any questions, focusing on their recently published essay in the New York Times about the divide between American Jewry's liberalism and Zionism.
The text discusses the issue of antisemitism in America and its connection to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Dr. David Barak-Gorodetsky explores Judah Magnes, an unconventional figure in Zionist history, in his book "Judah Magnes: The Prophetic Politics of a Religious Binationalist."
Canadian Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, who has been loyal to the Liberal party for 30 years, is considering his political future after being one of three MPs from the governing party to vote against a motion on Canada's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The essay, written by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, discusses the feeling of loneliness experienced by many Jews in the face of global condemnation, particularly during conflicts involving Israel.
The Museum of Jewish Heritage is expanding efforts to educate college-age students, initially through a private tour for City University of New York (CUNY) students focusing on Denmarks Jews during the Holocaust.
The essay "Discarding Haman's Garb: Refusing the Roles of Empire" discusses Purim through a critical lens, highlighting how Haman, representing the threat to Jews, and King Ahasuerus, symbolizing the enabling of harm, play contrasting roles in the Purim narrative.
The text discusses how Israel embodies values often championed by 'woke' progressives, despite criticism from some in that community.
Andrés Spokoiny spoke at the JFN 2024 addressing the profound loss and grief following recent tragedies, emphasizing the inadequacy of the phrase "rest in peace" for the vibrant lives lost.
The article discusses the relationship between the holiday of Purim and the concept of Jewish sovereignty, highlighting differing viewpoints on the importance and limitations of having a Jewish state.
"The Banality of Evil" is a play that reimagines philosopher Hannah Arendt as a detective solving the mystery of Adolf Eichmann's atrocities, based on Arendt's book "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil."
In Saul Goldman's guest essay, he addresses the concept of silence being a deadly sin, urging Diaspora Jews to speak up and act against rising antisemitism.
Leonard Bernstein's profound connection to Israel began even before its establishment as a state.
Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen's essay, "From the Edges of a Broken World," was retracted by Guernica, a progressive literary journal, for being seen as supportive of Zionism.
The article discusses the concept of Jews as a historically lonely people and how this loneliness has manifested throughout history, both in Israel and the diaspora.
Dr. Avi-Ram Tzoreff, a Polonsky Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, explores his book "R. Binyamin, Binationalism and Counter-Zionism" dedicated to Rabbi Binyamin, a unique Jewish and Zionist intellectual of the 20th century.
The video discusses the controversial group Neturei Karta and questions whether they truly represent authentic Judaism according to the worldwide organized Jewish community.
In Montclair, New Jersey, a diverse community with a history of inclusivity, tensions arise as protesters chant "We don't want no Zionists here," prompting comparisons to anti-Jewish sentiment.
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz advocates for a new spiritual framework for Zionism, highlighting the need for a shift towards Musar, the Jewish ethical tradition, alongside political ideologies.
Adina Frydman, CEO of Young Judaea Global, shares impactful encounters from a recent trip to Israel after the Oct. 7 attacks, highlighting the need to adjust mifgashim (encounters) to address the evolving realities in Israel.
Geoffrey Levin's book "Our Palestine Question" sheds light on the suppressed American Jewish dissent on Zionism and concern for Palestinian rights dating back to 1948.
The text discusses the major narratives shaping Israeli politics, highlighting seven key camps influencing voter decisions in Israel.