
Audrey Flack, a 92-year-old artist, is receiving attention for her new exhibit and memoir called "With Darkness Comes Stars."
Hadassah Magazine recently recognized 18 women who embody Zionism in their personal and professional lives, showcasing a diverse group of Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel.
A video emphasizing the deep connection and intrinsic relationship between Israel and the Jewish people, describing it as a motherly bond.
Ilon Specht, a pioneering 81-year-old copywriter, notably coined the slogan "Because I'm worth it" for LOreal's Preference hair color, challenging traditional views by empowering women in advertising.
The text follows a poignant journey of grief and loss as a woman shares the heartbreaking experience of losing her baby just before birth.
In the aftermath of an attack on Oct. 7, which led to a strong display of Jewish unity, there is a call for this unity to include queer Jews.
The new Reform High Holy Day machzor is a significant update after 36 years, offering changes to reflect modern sensibilities and enhance accessibility.
Sheila Brill, in her book "Can I speak to Josephine please?," recounts her traumatic experience following the birth of her profoundly disabled daughter, Josephine, which led to her suffering from PTSD.
In this review of the play "Machinal," Rosie Sheehy's performance as the Young Woman is highly praised for its powerful depiction of an oppressive existence trapped by societal conventions and work-related forces.
The text portrays a conversation between the author and her mother, exploring the mother's upbringing in Kavkaz, with its strict gender roles and cultural norms.
The author reflects on feeling like a motherless child despite her mother being alive, detailing her mother's erratic behavior that went unexplained in the 1960s.
Barbra Streisand recently left a comment on Melissa McCarthy's Instagram post, asking if she took Ozempic, sparking a discussion on Jewish grandmothers' sometimes tactless comments.
The Hadassah Foundation focuses on advancing gender equity in the United States and Israel, supporting organizations that promote women's rights and address critical issues faced by women, such as the aftermath of terror attacks and wartime needs.
Jewish novelist Paul Auster, known for works like the New York Trilogy and contributions as a filmmaker, passed away at 77 due to lung cancer.
A mother describes the challenges of caring for her struggling daughter, Chaya Leah, amidst family chaos and emotional turmoil.
Fania Oz-Salzberger's column on humanist Zionism in Moment magazine gained significant attention and praise for offering a nuanced perspective on Zionism in response to those who have branded it as racist.
Chef Rossi, raised in a lowly Orthodox Jewish home in New Jersey, rebelled in her youth and was sent to live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, with a Chabad rabbi due to perceived bad influences.
The text delves into the stereotype of the Jewish mother, often portrayed as overbearing and guilt-inducing.
The article highlights the life stories of several individuals who made remarkable contributions.
Young adult novels like "Cool for the Summer" and "Miss You Love You Hate You Bye" are reshaping the depiction of Jewish teens in literature by offering diverse representations that go beyond historical or religious contexts.
Barbara Walters, known for her groundbreaking career as a television journalist, is explored in the biography "The Rulebreaker" by Susan Page.
The Klezbians, an all-woman Klezmer music group in Victoria, B.C., is celebrating their 10th anniversary, having formed in 2014.
As Passover approaches, New Voices offers a retrospective on a decade of articles, including discussions on diverse seder plate additions, self-customized haggadot, integrating grief into the holiday, reflections on queerness and liberation, campus freedom seders addressing Israel/Palestine, critical reviews of haggadot like "The Rational Passover Haggadah," and explorations of topics such as diet culture's impact on Passover observance.
Hal Schrieve, a librarian in New York, considers Leslie Feinberg's Drag King Dreams to be their most relevant religious text.
In light of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the plight of hostages in Gaza, Jewish communities are incorporating new symbolic items and rituals into their Passover seders to address these current crises.

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