
The letter addresses children who are estranged from their parents, emphasizing the deep hurt and complexities of these relationships.
The writer criticizes Rabbi Jay Michaelson for condemning Pastor John Hagee's support for Israel, insinuating Hagee's motives are solely to hasten end-times.
Alba de Cespedes, a Cuban-Italian writer born in 1911, challenged the norm of male-dominated storytelling through her work, emphasizing women's perspectives and struggles.
In the trial of Samuel Woodward for the murder of Blaze Bernstein, the focus on Bernstein's Jewish identity alongside his sexual orientation has brought the issue of antisemitism into question.
"Frankenstein's Matzah" is a unique Jewish children's book featuring a nonbinary protagonist named Vee, who is a curious scientist aspiring to be a Nobel Prize-winning Jewish nonbinary scientist.
Leah Kiser, a 55-year-old bookkeeper from Lexington, KY, expresses disillusionment with the progressive left following the October 7 terror attacks, particularly in their stance towards women's and LGBTQ rights and the issue of Israel.
Deb Kolodny, a consultant and freelance rabbi, emphasizes the urgent need to address not only climate change but also the concept of climate refugees in Western Massachusetts.
Elizabeth Tsurkov, a Jewish academic kidnapped in Iraq by the Iran-backed militia Kataib Hezbollah, has been held captive for over a year while her sister, Emma Tsurkov, grapples with the unsettling realization that her tax dollars are indirectly supporting her sister's captors through U.S. aid to Iraq.
The article emphasizes the importance of including the stories of enslaved Jewish women in the Passover Seder narrative, focusing on the challenges faced by these women during the Exodus from Egypt.
In this YouTube video, Rivka Heisler shares her personal experiences and challenges as a single Orthodox Jewish woman, discussing societal pressures and misconceptions surrounding being unmarried in the Jewish community.
In the trial for the murder of Blaze Bernstein, the alleged murderer, Samuel Woodward, made a chilling phone call to Bernsteins parents claiming he wanted to find Blaze as much as they did.
The video explores the positive impact and joy brought by a special boy named Zalmy with Down Syndrome to his parents and community, even after his sudden passing at the age of 15.
The article delves into the evolution of Jewish masculinity over the years, touching upon historical figures such as Leonard Cohen and exploring the contemporary trend of male Jewish influencers embracing a rugged and masculine aesthetic.
The text discusses the evolution of Jewish masculinity from historical representations to contemporary expressions, focusing on figures like Leonard Cohen and current male influencers.
The text describes a critique of the literary world's preference for works centered on victimhood, particularly those by authors from marginalized groups seen as "woke meritocracy."
Between March 8 and April 22, Hadassah engaged in various global initiatives, including campaigns to end silence on crimes against women by Hamas, advocacy for women's health and reproductive rights, and a solidarity mission to sites affected by violence.
The article discusses the dilemma the author faces between her newfound obsession with Caitlin Clark, a star basketball player, and observing Shabbat.
Jewish women in the Renaissance era played a significant role in formulating cosmetics, creating advanced products such as anti-wrinkle creams and SPFs, often overlooked by scientists of the time.
The film "Mother's Instinct" explores the intense grief and psychological turmoil experienced by a mother, Celine (Anne Hathaway), after the tragic death of her child.
Indulging in self-care with treats and relaxation while taking a break from the busyness of being a working mom.
Bert Pogrebin, a renowned attorney and partner to feminist icon Letty Cottin Pogrebin, passed away at 89.
On the Schmuckboys podcast, Libby Amber Walker and Marla Friedson share their passion for helping Jews date within their community, tackling topics like Jewish matchmaking, LGBTQ dating challenges, and navigating relationships within close-knit Jewish circles.
Jewish teens voiced concerns about the lack of representation and authentic portrayal of Jewish characters in popular media, outside of Holocaust-based narratives.
Jonathan Schanzer discusses the ongoing delay in a potential ground operation in Rafah between American and Israeli officials in today's podcast episode.
Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls are increasingly finding ways to participate in prayer services while adhering to Jewish law, seeking more inclusive roles within their communities.

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