
Prof. Ofer Shiff discusses the legacy of Abba Hillel Silver, an American-Jewish leader who advocated for a diaspora-based form of Zionism but ultimately lost the argument.
The strained relationship between Israel's secular Labor Zionists and the ultra-Orthodox minority has roots dating back to the founding of the state, with the Haredi community rejecting Zionism.
Prof. Menachem Hofnung presents a study on Israel's treatment of Arab informants, shedding light on a complex issue.
In the discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the significance of the recent ceasefire in Israel and how it can be utilized to build a better future amid the tragedies of war.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the potential impact of war on perceptions, examining whether conflict in Gaza influences hawkish viewpoints.
In response to economic discontent and social injustice in Israel, cooperative restaurants like Bar-Kayma in Tel Aviv have emerged as a model for a fair and equal business environment.
The article discusses the presence of various terrorist groups in Gaza, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Resistance Committees, and jihadi groups, all with the aim of destroying Israel.
In a discussion on the "one-and-a-half state" solution, the topic of Israel's peace prospects under Netanyahu's leadership and the role of gender in war and peace negotiations are explored.
The article discusses the Kurdish people's historical oppression, their swift territorial gains in Iraq amidst ISIS advances in 2014, and the potential for an independent Kurdish state.
Ilene, Don, and Noah discuss the purpose and impact of Israel's blockade on Gaza, questioning its effectiveness and consequences.
The article discusses Israels awareness of the threat posed by Hamas tunnels in Gaza, highlighting that the IDF and government were cognizant of the tunnels' existence and potential danger for over a decade.
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach by Israeli shells during Operation Protective Edge.
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Ottoman Empire, British colonial rule, French policies, and Soviet influence through the years.
Gustav Niebuhr, a professor and grand-nephew of Reinhold Niebuhr, a renowned Protestant theologian, is actively opposing the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s decision to divest from companies doing business with Israel.
The article discusses the political debate in Israel, questioning if the recent solidarity following West Bank kidnappings is overshadowing the need to hold leaders accountable.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings.
The text discusses President Obama's evolving Middle East strategy, highlighting a shift towards building a partnership with Iran despite opposition from traditional allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia.
In the Summer 2014 issue of Letters, different authors address key points in recent articles.
The failure of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians was hindered by issues such as Netanyahu's demand for recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and continued West Bank construction, along with Abbas linking talks to prisoner releases and not accepting Israel as a Jewish state.
Haim Gouri, a prominent Israeli poet, celebrated his 90th birthday last year, with a gala event in Tel Aviv, his birth city, despite living in Jerusalem.
Tel Aviv is a culinary hotspot with top restaurants to explore this summer, according to Israeli food blog Matkonations' guide.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the complexities surrounding Israel's newly elected President, Rubi Rivlin, who is seen as a mensch but opposes a two-state solution.
This article discusses various topics including the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian Authority, the concept of the right to be forgotten on the internet for Israelis, the delayed introduction of evolution in Israeli schools, and music recommendations from Balkan Beat Box.
In a discussion on the TLV1 show "Dining Out on Sacred Cow," Allison, Don, Noah, and guest Ayelet Waldman explore the balance between Jewish and Democratic values in Israel, particularly regarding the rights of non-Jewish minorities.

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