
In a discussion including topics such as a member of the Israeli Parliament criticizing the lack of respect for Torah amidst celebrations for Maccabi Tel Aviv's basketball victory, a historian suggesting that the win shows Zionism's failure in sports, a proposed 30% raise in minimum wage opposed by most economists, and the state of poetry in Israel with readings of Hebrew poems, music by David Broza is also highlighted, including songs like "East Jerusalem" and "Peace (Ain't Nothing but a Word)."
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the iNakba iPhone app that highlights Palestinian dispossession, Netanyahu's plan to legally define the Talmud in Israeli law, and Israel's potential crisis of authority.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Mahmoud Abbas considering dismantling the Palestinian Authority or aligning with Hamas, the newly appointed head of the Council of Torah Sages criticizing non-ultra-Orthodox Jews, and a report from the OECD highlighting Israel as having low taxes.
In a discussion about peace, prosperity, and philanthropy, there is a focus on the reliance of the army on donations for supplies, the struggles of the peace process, and the disparity in pay between CEOs and the average worker in Israel.
Don, Noah, and Miriam Herschlag from the Times of Israel discuss the issue of nearly a million Israelis going hungry, the changing nature of Israeli leadership, and whether stores in Jewish neighborhoods should sell leavened bread during Passover.
The Jerusalem District Court has approved the sale of the Hebrew newspaper Maariv to The Jerusalem Post owner, Eli Azur, for $1.15 million.
In a discussion, Don, Eilon, and Noah explore the endorsement of Labor Party leader Yitzhak Herzog for Prime Minister by the head of the ultraorthodox Shas party, raising the question of potential alliances between the Labor Party and the haredim.
The text delves into various topics including former Ambassador Michael Oren's unilateral withdrawal plan, MK Adi Kol's declaration of love for Yair Lapid causing controversy, the mixed reactions to Good Deeds Day, and a Purim quiz for listeners.
Tel Aviv, known as the hub of the Start-Up Nation, is facing gentrification challenges similar to those in San Francisco as tech companies and employees move in, driving up housing prices and pushing out longtime residents.
Ari Shavit's book "My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel" delves into his family history, experiences, and views on Israel, exploring the country's complexities and challenges.
The book "Original Sins" by journalist John Judis is a critical examination of President Harry Truman's Middle Eastern policy and the history of Zionism.
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 1973 Yom Kippur War, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and ideological differences.
"Omar" and "Bethlehem" were both nominees for the best foreign film Oscar, focusing on the complex relationship between Palestinian informers and Israeli handlers, but "Omar" was chosen over "Bethlehem." "Omar" directed by Hany Abu-Assad portrays a Palestinian bread baker in love with his friend's sister, while "Bethlehem," directed by Yuval Adler, gives a nuanced look at the relationship between an Israeli agent and a young Palestinian.
One year before the Hebron massacre where Baruch Goldstein killed 29 Muslim worshippers, the author had a casual encounter with him during a weekend visit to Hebron.
The Israeli government is pushing ahead with plans to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army, potentially leading to jail time for draft refusers, a move that has sparked intense controversy among the Haredi community.
In the discussed episode titled "Press, Profs & Passports," the conversation revolves around the Israeli press's effectiveness, the involvement of academics and intellectuals in Israeli politics, and the nuanced implications of dual citizenship.
Meshek Barzilay, an organic vegetarian restaurant in Tel Aviv, has a unique Hebrew Menu concept where each Hebrew month has a special seasonal menu created by the chefs using fresh produce.
"Bible Kings" is a new documentary film following adults from around the world as they prepare for the Chidon HaTanakh, the International Bible Contest.
Israel's chocolate scene is evolving, with the upcoming second annual Chocolate Week highlighting the creativity and innovation of local chocolatiers.
In 1961, at McGill University in Montreal, Israeli Ambassador Yaacov Herzog challenged British historian Arnold Toynbee to a public debate after Toynbee questioned Israel's legitimacy and compared Zionist treatment of Palestinians to Nazi actions.
In a dialogue between Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah, the discussion revolves around the legacy of Shulamit Aloni in promoting rights discourse, the connection between the Israeli occupation and global anti-Semitism as questioned by Minister Naftali Bennett, and the perceived decline of the Israeli political center.
Aaron Kaplowitz, a former IDF soldier, describes watching a pivotal NFL game between Tom Brady and Peyton Manning with his tank battalion commander on an Israeli military outpost near the Lebanese border.
In a discussion about poverty and leadership, Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah explore the decline of military hero-political leaders, potential civil unrest in Israel's war on poverty, and controversial thoughts on religious leadership.
The article reflects on Ariel Sharon's life and leadership, highlighting his journey from being a divisive figure to a unifying force in Israel.
Ariel Sharon, a prominent figure in Israeli military and politics, was known for his military exploits as a field commander in the Israel Defense Forces and his controversial political career that included leading military operations and settlements.

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