
The Palestinian Football Authority decided to withdraw its motion to suspend Israel's membership in FIFA during the organization's congress in Zurich.
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah address three significant topics, including the impact of social media outrage on a government official, the legacy of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon, and the scrutiny faced by Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog following the airing of the documentary "Herzog."
Professor Meir Amor, a Mizrahi activist and sociologist at Concordia University, discusses the Mizrahi struggle with host Gilad Halpern, shedding light on the beneficiaries and victims of Ashkenazi privilege in Israel.
The Tablet article features a poignant essay by Jenny Diski reflecting on religion and personal beliefs following a terminal cancer diagnosis.
In the "Short Trip from Cradle to Grave" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah explore varied topics, including the creation of unusual ministerial positions in Israel, the conflicting nature of religiosity in the country based on global polls versus local perceptions, and the remarkable story of an ultra-Orthodox woman giving birth at 65 after decades of infertility.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a decentralized organization with autonomous chapters on college campuses, funded by small university grants and known for its protest tactics like erecting apartheid walls and mock eviction notices to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause.
Dr. Avi Bareli from Ben-Gurion University explores the power dynamics within Israel's ruling party, Mapai, during the early years of the state.
Allison, Don, and Ilene Prusher engage in a discussion covering three main topics: the BDS movement on American campuses targeting Israel post-Gaza War, a contentious high court ruling permitting the demolition of a Bedouin village in the Negev to make space for a new Jewish town, and reflections on Jerusalem Day amidst ongoing tensions in the city.
Prof. Lev Grinberg from Ben-Gurion University discusses his book "Mo(ve)ments of Resistance," offering a new analysis of power dynamics between the government and the people in Israel/Palestine from 1931 to 2013.
Allison, Don, and Noah in this edition discuss the backlash following the video of police assaulting an Ethiopian-Israeli IDF soldier, addressing wider issues of racism.
In a discussion revolving around three key topics, the team debates the implications of a Supreme Court decision upholding a law that holds Israelis accountable for advocating boycotts against Israeli entities.
Dr. Ofer Nurdheimer Nur of Tel Aviv University discusses the origin of a significant Zionist myth surrounding the establishment of Upper Bitania in the 1920s by European immigrants with strong ideologies.
The text discusses three main topics: critiquing Shimon Peres for ties to a bank, exploring cultural conflicts in Israel, and pondering the celebration of Independence Day amidst national ambivalence.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) honoring Dr. Charles Stanley, an anti-gay evangelical pastor, highlighting that his anti-gay stance is just one aspect of his Christian conservative worldview, which includes extreme beliefs aligning with apocalyptic scenarios in the Middle East and a patriarchal fundamentalist ideology.
In "The Fission Indecision" Edition from The Times of Israel, Miriam Herschlag, Professor Alon Tal, and Noah discuss how leftist Israelis should respond to the framework agreement on Iran's nuclear program.
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions on Ted Cruz's support for Israel amidst his presidential candidacy announcement, the issue of ex-generals influencing Israeli politics, and the relevance of the Exodus story in modern Israel.
Israeli medical diplomacy, exemplified by organizations like Save A Child's Heart and Shevet Achim, has been quietly expanding in recent years, providing free surgical care to children and adults from various Middle Eastern countries, including Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestinian territories.
Allison, Don, and Noah address the recent Israeli elections, questioning the true message behind Netanyahu's apparent landslide victory and delving into the role of fear in the campaigns.
The text discusses a special election panel featuring Noah Efron, Debra Kamin, and Gil Troy, focusing on the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's narrow victory.
TLV1 is offering live coverage of Israel's elections with anchors Ilene Prusher and Gilad Halpern on Tuesday from 9-11 PM (Israel time) as exit polls are released and votes are counted, featuring correspondents at campaign headquarters and special reports on voter issues.
Economist Zvi Eckstein explores the economic history of Jews beyond moneylending, offering insights into the demographic shifts of the Jewish people.
In this edition, Don, Noah, and Allison discuss the upcoming Israeli elections and their expectations.
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France.
The article discusses the complex relationship between Palestinian and Israeli security forces, highlighting the ongoing coordination despite political tensions.
In this discussion, the topics covered include Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress and its impact on relations with Iran and Israel, the influence of English speakers in Israeli politics, and leaders' views on religion and science, particularly regarding Darwinism.

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