
Yehuda Glick, a prominent figure advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was shot four times by a Palestinian assailant in an attempted assassination.
Shlomo Sand, a well-known anti-Israel Israeli intellectual and history professor, challenges traditional Jewish narratives in his book "How I Stopped Being a Jew."
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's support for Palestinian causes, the Arab oil embargo, the academic influence of Edward Said redefining Zionism negatively, and Likud government policies contributing to Israel's declining global image.
The Winter 2015 edition of Letters featured various perspectives on Israel, ethics in warfare, and Jewish historical figures.
Prof. Ute Deichmann discusses the early Israeli-German scientific exchanges and their role in paving the way for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries, shedding light on this lesser-known aspect of history.
The article discusses the recent surge of violence in Israel, questioning if it marks the beginning of a third Intifada, potentially orchestrated by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to reshape his legacy amid internal challenges.
The text discusses the current situation in Israel, questioning whether the recent violence signifies the start of a new intifada.
The podcast discusses various topics, including the perception of the Nakba in Israeli society, the history of Pop-Rock music in Israel and globally, and the life of Sir Moses Montefiore, a significant Italian-British-Jewish philanthropist considered one of the first global Jewish leaders.
In a discussion led by Allison, Don, and Noah, three significant topics are covered: Prime Minister Netanyahu displays open support for American Republicans, sparking concerns about potential consequences; 106 generals urge Netanyahu to launch a regional peace process, raising questions about the involvement of the military in peace negotiations; and changes in Jewish conversion rules in Israel prompt reflections on the authority of the Rabbis.
The discussion on 'Whither Jerusalem?' addresses the recent violence in Jerusalem and the debate on the potential start of the Third Intifada, proposing the idea of a divided city serving as a bridge between peoples.
In a discussion between Allison, Don, and Noah, several topics are touched upon, including the contrasting views of Israeli MKs Zahava Gal-On and Hilik Bar on Palestinian statehood, the controversy surrounding the Olim leBerlin Facebook group and the high cost of groceries in Israel, and the 1990 Israeli plan to invade the USSR to save Russian Jews.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a major evangelical Christian group supporting Israel, plans to launch its own aliyah operation to facilitate Jewish immigration to Israel, raising concerns among some Jews.
Dr. Salomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, discusses the unique position of the Jewish civilization in relation to the rise and decline of civilizations, drawing lessons from history.
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the idea of potentially dividing Israel into smaller, more culturally and ideologically homogenous localities to better serve their populations, debate the differing media coverage of Operation Protective Edge in Israel versus other countries, and explore why Prime Minister Netanyahu recently emphasized not eating non-kosher foods to a journalist, prompting questions about the role of secularism in Israeli leadership.
Pita bread in Israel is undergoing a culinary makeover, with gourmet pita establishments offering upscale fillings like lamb kebab and chicken steak.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into the topics of doctors' public political expressions, the judging of judges by lawyers in Israel, and the recent El Al flight incident involving an ultra-Orthodox man refusing to sit next to a woman.
Brookings Institution, in response to accusations by Lee Smith about Martin Indyk and Qatar funding, clarified that the $14.8 million from Qatar was a pledge to support Brookings projects overall, not Indyk personally.
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions about various topics including recent speeches by PA President Abbas and Israeli PM Netanyahu at the UN, the rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court on controversial issues, and the silencing of dissent in Israel highlighted in Mairav Zonszein's New York Times op-ed.
The article discusses the decline of the Israeli Left, questioning whether its focus on international issues led to its demise instead of addressing domestic concerns.
Ishai Zeldner's journey with bees began on a kibbutz in Israel over 40 years ago, leading him to establish Z Specialty Foods in California, specializing in gourmet honeys.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Unit 8200 'refuseniks' exposing Israeli intelligence practices, questioning if they were justified and why there is opposition from the moderate left.
Martin Indyk, a peace negotiator involved in Israeli-Palestinian relations, received a substantial $14.8 million from Qatar while working at the Brookings Institution, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest as Qatar supports Hamas, a group hostile to Israel and Mahmoud Abbas.
The text discusses the case of Ilana Raskin challenging the Jerusalem religious council's attempt to restrict entertainment like belly dancing in venues with kosher certification.
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.
In a podcast episode, host Noah Efron interviews IDF reservist Gilad Halpern, a conscientious objector who spent time in military jail for objecting to his call-up during Operation Protective Edge, discussing how conscientious objection fits into Israel's political landscape.

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