
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein was a prominent figure in the Jewish world, born in 1933 in Paris and later moving to the United States to study under renowned rabbis such as Yitzchok Hutner and Yosef Dov Soloveitchik.
Mitzpor HaElef, an observation tower in Neve Daniel, Gush Etzion, offers a breathtaking view of Israel, highlighting its historical and biblical significance.
The discussion covers three key topics: the use of the term "apartheid" to describe Israeli policy following an essay by Bradley Burston; the politicization of the Judicial Appointment Committee in Israel; and a planned cross-country journey by social protest leader Daphni Leef and singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum to listen to people's visions for the country.
Noga Kadman, an Israeli researcher and tour guide, explores the depopulated Palestinian villages of 1948 in her book "Erased from Space and Consciousness."
In this discussion led by Allison, Noah, and Miriam Hershlag from The Times of Israel, three significant topics are addressed: the tenth anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs' new program aimed at strengthening Jewish identity in the diaspora, and Uri Avnery's concerns about a shift towards a more religiously defined Jewish state in Israel.
The article reflects on the 10-year anniversary of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and the emotional impact it had on different sectors of Israeli society.
Professor Meron Medzini, a Japanologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the biographer of Golda Meir, offers a unique perspective on the former Israeli Prime Minister, known as the "Iron Lady."
In this discussion, Noah, Ilene Prusher, and Shoshi Shmuluvitz cover three main topics.
George Deek, an Israeli diplomat of Palestinian descent, embodies a complex identity bridging his Palestinian heritage with Israeli citizenship.
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.
The Iran Nuclear Agreement, reached on July 14, 2015, between Iran and the P-5 + 1 countries, sets strict limits on Iran's nuclear activities to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.
Tablet magazine is launching a new podcast called Unorthodox, hosted by Mark Oppenheimer and featuring Liel Leibovitz and others.
Amidst the context of war, the writer shares a personal story of losing his beloved fleece jacket, a symbol of his military service, and the ensuing events during his time in the reserves when conscription for the Gaza conflict loomed.
States like South Carolina and Illinois have enacted legislation to protect taxpayers from supporting discriminatory boycotts of Israel.
In a discussion titled "The Peace Movement Stirs?", Don, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher touch upon three significant topics: the controversy over a natural gas deal in Israel, the resurgence of the peace movement amidst the Gaza war anniversary, and the impact of Israeli musicians favoring English over Hebrew.
Allison, Don, and Noah explore the rise of Israel's right-wing news network, likening it to "Fox News for the Jews."
Omri Grinberg, an anthropologist at the University of Toronto, discusses his research with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on Palestinian "children of the junction" - teenage boys from the West Bank who enter Israel to work as peddlers.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Michael Oren's controversial essays, the UN report on war crimes during the Gaza conflict, and the potential leadership shift in the Israeli left involving Ron Huldai challenging Yitzhak Herzog.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to Washington, has sparked controversy by accusing Barack Obama of undermining the U.S.-Israel alliance and speculating about Obama's motives based on his background.
Michael Walzer's exploration delves into the paradox of liberation and secularism in post-World War II India, Israel, and Algeria, focusing on the tension between secular ideals and the resurgence of religion in these nations.
Two analysts, Elliott Abrams and Itamar Rabinovich, discuss the impact of the chaos in Syria on Israel's northern border.
"Above and Beyond" is a documentary produced by Nancy Spielberg and directed by Roberta Grossman, focusing on the untold story of foreign volunteers who came to the aid of the Jewish state during its War of Independence in 1948.
Professor Yosef Salmon from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev delves into the intricate relationship between Zionism and Judaism in his book "Do Not Provoke Providence: Orthodoxy In The Grip Of Nationalism."
In the "Blatt, Blatter & Blattest" Edition, Allison, Don, and Noah tackle key issues including the controversy surrounding a Palestinian proposal to expel Israel from FIFA, trials of IDF soldiers for expressing opinions against the government, and reflections on Israeli treatment of American-Israeli coach David Blatt.
A father takes a walk with his 10-year-old daughter in Israel and is surprised by her sudden right-wing views on politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, diverging from his own beliefs.

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