
The stage adaptation of the film "Hester Street" was initially met with skepticism by director Joan Micklin Silver in 2015 but eventually was embraced and brought to life as a Yiddish and English play with music, premiering at Theater J in Washington, D.C. in March 2024.
British Jewish author Toby Lloyd, in his debut novel "Fervour," integrates elements of Orthodoxy, family dynamics, Holocaust trauma, and Kabbalistic mysticism within a horror narrative.
New Passover children's books released in 2024 feature a diverse range of themes and characters, including a superhero, a scientist, a T. rex hosting a seder, Jewish bears, and more.
Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen's essay, "From the Edges of a Broken World," was retracted by Guernica, a progressive literary journal, for being seen as supportive of Zionism.
"Remembering Gene Wilder" is a heartfelt tribute to the legendary comedic Jewish actor of the 20th century.
Ilya Kaminsky, a Jewish Ukrainian-American poet who became deaf at a young age due to complications from mumps, has his poem "Lullaby" featured on New York City subway trains as part of the Metropolitan Transit Authority's Poetry in Motion series.
The video "A Purim tale, Drunk all year, but sober on Purim" by Mayer Kirshenblatt discusses the traditional celebration of Purim in Eastern European shtetls, where residents sent gifts of food, gave alms to the poor, and dressed in costumes to commemorate the victory over Haman.
In a discussion by Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, two significant topics are covered, including the idea that the Golden Age for American Jews, America, and Jews might be over according to a recent Atlantic cover story.
"Cyrus Field Willard created a utopian colony, Brotherhood, influenced by Edward Bellamy's novel. Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr., the author of 'Dune,' learned early about faith and nature. 'Dune' explores themes of fear and transcendence, tested through Paul Atreides' journey. Filmmakers like Jodorowsky and Lynch attempted 'Dune' adaptations with unique visions. Villeneuve's films aim for coherence but may simplify complex themes. Villeneuve's 'Dune: Part Two' introduces changes in character portrayals, like the Reverend Mother and Chani, deviating from the original depth. This challenges the essence of faith and symbolism in Herbert's work."
The Jewish Literary Foundation's Book Week was a resounding success, offering a diverse program that attracted audiences from various Jewish denominations and beyond.
A book titled "Innocence and Experience: Childhood and the Refugees from Nazism in Britain" edited by Charmian Brinson and Anna Nyburg delves into the impact of Jewish refugees from Nazism on British childhood.
Barry Beckham, a writer influenced by Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison, authored "Runner Mack," considered the first African-American baseball novel, blending themes of racial struggle and Kafkaesque universal injustice in the story of Henry Adams, a Black baseball player facing endless trials and shattered dreams.
Moyshe Nadir's 1919 satirical Yiddish story "Nutose and Protose" humorously depicts a man convinced by a peculiar individual to adopt vegetarianism, ultimately leading to a bizarre series of events, including a killing at a vegetarian restaurant.
Guernica, a prestigious literary magazine, faced backlash and mass resignations after retracting an essay by Israeli writer Joanna Chen that humanized both Israelis and Palestinians.
Guernica magazine retracted an essay by Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen titled "From The Edges Of A Broken World" after criticism from staff members and others.
Israeli author Maya Arad's collection "The Hebrew Teacher" introduces English readers to her poignant novellas, set in the U.S. and centered on Israeli characters grappling with issues of Jewishness, Israeliness, and family dynamics.
"Hasidus Meets America: The Life and Torah of the Monastryshcher Rebbe" by Professor Ora Wiskind sheds light on Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Rabinowitz, a Chassidic leader in the US who combined Chassidic teachings with openness towards societal changes, as outlined in selected teachings and a biographical sketch.
Etgar Keret, a renowned Israeli writer, resumed writing after a period of writer's block following a traumatic event on Oct. 7.
The classic children's book "Madeline" by Ludwig Bemelmans features a Jewish doctor named Dr. Cohn who cares for Madeline when she is sick.
Novelist Katya Apekina's second book, "Mother Doll," delves into matrilineal intergenerational trauma, featuring a darkly funny family saga involving a pregnant 20-something named Zhenia in Los Angeles and her Jewish Russian Revolutionary great-grandmother, Irina.
"Dune Part 2" is a visually stunning film that continues the saga with awe-inspiring desert landscapes and impressive set pieces.
The text discusses the thin line between love and hate, suggesting that individuals who challenge us the most may actually have romantic potential.
The article discusses David Stromberg's work translating Isaac Bashevis Singer's journalistic pieces for the Yiddish Forverts, shedding light on Singer's lesser-known contributions to journalism during the 1940s.
The text discusses a recipe for Saucy Harissa Meatballs, inspired by the book "Bread and Jam for Frances" by Russell and Lillian Hoban.
Paul Goldberg, president of the Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union and author, discusses the dangers of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the killing of Alexei Navalny in a conversation with Moment Book and Opinion Editor Amy E. Schwartz.

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