
Raef Zreik is an associate professor of jurisprudence at Ono Academic College in Israel, a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute, and a former member of the executive committee of Balad, a predominantly Palestinian party in Israel.
The text discusses the dynamics of strength and weakness in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Israel and Hezbollah.
A recent report by the German government's Office for the Protection of the Constitution indicates a significant increase in extremist crimes in 2023, partially attributed to the Israel-Hamas war and its impact on the social climate in Germany.
Vogue Germany's latest cover features 102-year-old Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlnder, noted for her impeccable style and resilient spirit.
Concerned about what they perceive as rising antisemitism in the upcoming primary between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, a Jewish get-out-the-vote effort in New York's 16th district is mobilizing hundreds of volunteers to ensure Jewish voices are heard amid the clash between centrists supportive of Israel and progressives critical of it.
In "Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind" by Annalee Newitz, the book explores how stories have been weaponized throughout history, particularly in the current era of social media and propaganda manipulation.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot moved to New York City to escape Israeli politics, but seeing her mother protest in Tel Aviv prompted them to start a protest movement in NYC.
While acknowledging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions for Israel's welfare, there are growing concerns about his decision-making, including recent conflicts with the Biden Administration over weapons shipments and doubts about completely eradicating Hamas.
Neri Zilber hosts Yair Zivan, chief foreign policy advisor to Yair Lapid, to discuss the significance of centrism as a political movement, its global relevance, their experience in the Bennett-Lapid government, Israeli politics amid the Gaza conflict, and when elections might occur in Israel.
In this discussion by Linda Gradstein, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, they cover the escalating tensions with Hezbollah in the north, raising concerns about possible missile attacks on Tel Aviv and the displacement of nearly 100,000 residents near the Lebanese border.
A recent Fox poll and various data indicate that Joe Biden's focus on portraying Trump as a convicted felon may be gaining traction.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics but instead found themselves leading a protest movement there.
Following the alleged antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl by two teenage boys in a Paris suburb, France has been grappling with a surge of protests and political action against rising antisemitism.
Daniel-Ryan Spaulding utilizes satire to de-indoctrinate views about Israel and the conflict, creating international buzz with his viral videos.
In May 2021, Fady Joudah, a Palestinian American poet, reflected on the challenge of publishing poems that engage with Israeli apartheid due to the limitations of English in capturing the full Palestinian experience.
The text discusses the contentious relationship between former U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel, highlighting key issues that caused tension.
The discussion delves into the Torah's teachings on military ethics, particularly in the context of Israel's past conflicts.
As Congress faces the summer recess and the upcoming election, there are concerns within the Jewish community about the stalled progress of two major antisemitism bills, the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) and the Countering Antisemitism Act (CAA), in Congress.
The text discusses how certain intellectuals and academics have historically viewed working-class and rural Americans as threats to American society and democracy, comparing them to Nazis and portraying them as authoritarian and dangerous.
The text discusses the allegations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Biden administration is withholding arms shipments to Israel, leading to a depiction of Netanyahu as delusional by American officials.
In response to Wikipedia labeling the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as generally unreliable regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict and antisemitism, there is a call for self-reflection within the ADL.
In this personal reflection, Josh Katz shares his decision to take down his "We Stand With Israel" lawn sign due to increasing concerns about tribalism and the divisive consequences it can have.
Within Our Lifetime is a hardline pro-Palestinian activist group known for organizing protests against Israel in New York City.
Israeli prosecutors are urged to offer Benjamin Netanyahu a plea deal to resolve the corruption charges against him and prevent his far-right coalition partners from pushing reckless policies that endanger Israel's strategic interests.
Wikipedia editors have labeled the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as generally unreliable on Israeli-Palestinian matters and antisemitism, arguing that the organization's pro-Israel stance may bias its reporting.

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