
A video documenting the Siyum HaRambam event, marking the completion of the 43rd Rambam study cycle, which celebrates empowering individuals and unifying the Jewish people through the study of Maimonides' texts.
Shabbat times for the period from March 29 to April 5 are provided, including the exact times when Shabbat begins and ends in various cities.
Exploring the concept of the Thanks Offering in this episode, it delves into themes of survival, ancient mariners, arrogance, and delinquency from a Jewish perspective.
Rav Chaim and Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky were a deeply inspirational couple known for providing solace to the Jewish community.
The text explores the challenge of controlling our thoughts, using the analogy of trying not to think about a pink elephant.
Gashmius Magazine and the New Voices Fellows engaged in studying hasidic texts, exploring the idea that Torah is continuously given since Sinai.
From March 22 to March 29, notable Jewish times include the Fast of Esther on March 21, Shabbat Zachor on March 23, Purim on March 23, and Shushan Purim on March 24.
In this episode of the show, the focus is on Shabbat.
The TORCH organization is currently running a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast and other Jewish outreach and educational efforts.
During Purim season, there is a special mitzvah to help the poor (matanot levyonim).
The author reflects on embracing her gray hair as a natural sign of aging and wisdom rather than concealing it, drawing inspiration from Jewish teachings that view gray hair as a crown of glory earned through a righteous life.
In his exploration of a Torah meditation in wartime, Dan Ornstein reflects on the biblical story of Yishmael in the desert and the moral implications of judging a person based on their present actions versus their potential future deeds.
The discussion revolves around the significance of names and the impact they have on our lives.
Shabbat times from March 15 to March 22 are provided, including the beginning and end times in various cities.
Jewish tradition has a long history of interpreting solar eclipses for spiritual meaning, drawing from sources in Genesis, Talmud, and rabbinic commentary.
The article discusses the concept of love and giving in relation to the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and its eternal preservation compared to the destruction of the two Batei Hamikdash (Temples).
The YouTube video delves into the topic of colors, discussing a midrash about Queen Esther being green and the internet claim that ancient humans could not see the color blue.
In a time of crisis and uncertainty, Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner reflects on the struggles and anxieties faced by many amid conflict, conveying a message of hope and purpose drawn from Jewish teachings.
In "Kohelet: A Map to EdenAn Intertextual Journey" by David Curwin, the author presents an insightful analysis of the Book of Kohelet, known for its enigmatic and contemplative nature.
In the wake of a tragic event, the theme of unity among the Jewish people emerges strongly, with acts of kindness and solidarity across different Jewish communities being highlighted.
In the text discussing Parashat Vayakhel, the focus is on the construction of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, with intricate details provided for its materials and components.
Shabbat times for the week of March 8 to March 15 in various cities are listed, including the start and end times for Shabbat on March 8 and March 15.
Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the use of electricity on Yom Tov.
The Parashah of the week, Ki Tissa, discusses the first poll tax imposed on the Israelites to raise funds for the Temple Treasury.
In "Let There Be Words" by Andrew Rashkow, the connection between language, creation, and prayer is explored from a Jewish perspective.

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