Tag: Abortion

A Jewish woman shares how her community and faith supported her during a traumatic miscarriage experience in 2014.
The text discusses the potential impact of various political figures' recent statements on their chances and their nations.
Emma Goldman, a prominent Jewish anarchist, was arrested at the Forward Building in 1916 for speaking about birth control, a subject deemed illegal under the Comstock Act of 1873.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
The lack of ritual and liturgy in mainstream Judaism for experiences specific to women, such as menstruation, miscarriage, and mammograms, is a frustration for the author.
The podcast discusses the 2023 election results, highlighting the ongoing success of Democrats on the issue of abortion and the continuous losses of Republicans.
Ohio liberals are aiming to amend the state constitution to allow abortions up to fetal viability without state interference, except in cases where the mother's life is endangered, as determined by a physician.
President Joe Biden expressed his concerns about the extreme elements of Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet in a recent interview with CNN.
This essay explores the Jewish view of abortion through an analysis of the case of the pregnant Sotah in the Talmud.
The discussion covers the recent elections in Chicago and Wisconsin, exploring their implications for issues like abortion and crime.
The discovery of a lost Yiddish play from the early 20th century has shed light on the struggles of women regarding marriage, motherhood, and reproductive rights.
In this response, Michael Broyde discusses the view of Rabbi Moses Feinstein on abortion and secular law.
This article explores the question of whether Halakhah (Jewish law) allows for compassionate euthanasia.
The article discusses the changing rhetoric around abortion in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The letters to the editor discuss the views of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi Michael Broyde on the topic of abortion in Jewish law.
The Supreme Court has recently overturned the precedents set in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, leaving the issue of abortion to be decided at the state level.
Matthew Continetti discusses OPEC's decision to increase oil production coinciding with President Joe Biden's potential visit to Saudi Arabia, questioning the shift in relations given past criticisms of the Saudi government.
This episode explores the perspective of Torah on abortion and its relevance to the ongoing American debate on the topic, including questioning if the Torah can be viewed as pro-choice.
Matthew Continetti discusses the significant leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade on a podcast, addressing the immediate political implications, the constitutional reasoning, and the importance of the leak itself.
The author shares her personal experience with abortion and discusses the importance of talking openly about it, especially in light of recent events such as the Texas law banning most abortions.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus is on the Supreme Court's decision not to block Texas's strict abortion law, raising questions about the emergence of a new liberal grassroots movement akin to the conservative one that followed the establishment of abortion rights in the past.
The article discusses how the TV show "Shtisel" presents a surprisingly progressive view of abortion within the Orthodox Jewish community.
This deeply personal account describes a couple's difficult journey when faced with the news that their unborn child has a chromosomal abnormality and will face numerous challenges.
In this personal narrative, the author discusses the pressure in Orthodox Jewish communities to have children soon after marriage.
This book by a prominent Lutheran ethicist explores the concept of human dignity and the essential nature of humanity.