Tag: Advertising

Ilon Specht, a pioneering 81-year-old copywriter, notably coined the slogan "Because I'm worth it" for LOreal's Preference hair color, challenging traditional views by empowering women in advertising.
The Robert Kraft Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air a 30-second ad during NBA playoff games condemning antisemitism at recent campus protests, displaying images of hate alongside peaceful protest visuals.
Irving Penn, a renowned American fashion photographer, captured the essence of the Summer of Love in San Francisco in 1967, photographing iconic figures like the Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin.
As the US political market is expected to spend up to $17 billion on advertising in the 2024 elections, concerns arise about the use of deepfake technology to deceive voters.
In this article, the author discusses the concept of legends in the kosher world.
JewBelong is a nonprofit organization that initially focused on offering resources for holidays and Jewish rituals to engage less-engaged Jews, including secular Jews and converts.
The article discusses the use of the Yiddish word "Oy" in advertisements for the 10th season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm."
Allison, Noah, and Times of Israel's Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag discuss key topics in Israel, including the controversy around Habima, Israel's national theater company, performing in settlements like Kiryat Arba, regulations on Israeli NGOs' spending in election campaigns, and the advertising techniques targeting the ultra-orthodox community in Israel.
An engaging video by IKAR, a Los Angeles synagogue, showcases Michael Brous moving through various LA locations blowing a shofar to stir excitement for the High Holidays, even reaching non-Jewish individuals.