Tag: American Democracy

The article discusses the unsettling feeling experienced by many Americans after watching the 2024 Presidential debate between two elderly candidates - one ethically compromised and the other cognitively challenged.
In light of Donald Trump's felony conviction, Jewish supporters face a moral dilemma regarding prioritizing support for Israel over the rule of law and American democracy.
Josh Mandelbaum, an environmental attorney and city councilmember from Des Moines, IA, is a Democratic Party member, Reform Jewish denomination, and self-identifies as a pragmatic progressive.
In an interview with David Guttenberg, a retired construction worker and state legislator from Montana, he discusses how recent events, such as the October 7 terror attack and rising antisemitism, have led him to identify more strongly with Zionism and worry about the safety of Israel.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
The article discusses the similarities between the actor and writer strikes in the United States and the ongoing protest movement in Israel against the government's assault on the country's legal institutions.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson reflects on the current political situation in the United States and its implications from a Jewish perspective.
Rachel Maddow, known for her podcast "Ultra," which explores how the Nazi regime infiltrated US government in the 1940s, discusses this historical threat to democracy and its relevance today.
Felix Frankfurter was the first foreign-born Jew to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939 under Franklin Roosevelt, embodying the promise of America for many Jewish immigrants.
Joe Biden recently addressed the threat he perceives Republicans pose to American democracy, linking the events of January 6 to the recent attack on Paul Pelosi.
In this podcast discussion of an article from The Federalist, it is suggested that the New Right should avoid identifying as conservative due to conflicting views on the use of state power.
The author argues that progressive intellectual life in America is dead, as the centralized and authoritarian control of progressivism by major foundations and nonprofits has eliminated the possibility of being a progressive public intellectual.
Author and political analyst John Judis, who accurately predicted Obama's rise to power, now warns of a potential comeback by former President Trump.
In this discussion hosted by AJC's Chief Field Operations Officer, Holly Huffnagle and Rebecca Klein discuss the connection between antisemitism and the erosion of democracy.
Recent events highlighting Democratic disarray in Washington and the declining hopes in the Virginia gubernatorial race are reminiscent of Casey Stengel's frustration managing the 1962 Mets.
Tom Nichols' new book, "Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy," criticizes the masses for their ignorance and stupidity, arguing that they pose a threat to American democracy.
On Presidents Day, the author highlights the significant impact of Martin Van Buren, a president often overlooked by historians.
The editorial discusses the storming of the U.S. Capitol by right-wing protesters, incited by President Trump and fueled by antisemitic conspiracies.
The Fusion GPS scandal has revealed a web of corporate information warfare and opposition research, shedding light on the firm's connections with foreign governments seeking to control news narratives and influence American foreign policy.
Rabbi Sharon Brous explains her decision to vote for President Obama, urging thoughtful Jewish voters to consider two key points regardless of personal opinions: not to base their vote on unfounded fears regarding Obama's support for Israel, as his actions demonstrate strong backing for the country, and not to dismiss significant policy differences between Romney and Obama, highlighting Romney's shifting stances and the potential impact of conservative influences.