Tag: American Jews

Sen. Chuck Schumer, a prominent Jewish leader, called for new elections in Israel, expressing criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and advocating for a two-state solution while defending Israel's right to fight against Hamas.
The author discusses how the Israeli government's conduct in the war against Hamas in Gaza is contributing to rising antisemitism, making American Jews feel less safe.
In a discussion by Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, two significant topics are covered, including the idea that the Golden Age for American Jews, America, and Jews might be over according to a recent Atlantic cover story.
Enrollment for Jewish American teens on summer trips to Israel has decreased significantly this year, with some camps cancelling the trips due to low interest and safety concerns following recent regional conflicts.
The article challenges Franklin Foer's assertion in The Atlantic that the Golden Age of American Jews is ending due to a supposed rise in antisemitism and criticism of Israel.
Larry David was recently spotted looking sad on a U.S. mailbox in Riverdale, reflecting the feelings of vulnerability, anger, and insecurity among Jews worldwide due to increasing anti-Semitism.
The April cover of The Atlantic features Yiddish slogans alongside English text, recalling the heyday of American Yiddish theater, to discuss Franklin Foer's article on the challenges facing American Jews.
Noah Feldman's new book, "To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to God, Israel, and the Jewish People," delves into the complexities of being Jewish in America today amidst various disagreements within the Jewish community.
Israeli and American Jews have come together in New York's Union Square to advocate for a bilateral ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, humanitarian aid for Palestinians, and the release of all hostages in Gaza.
The deteriorating relationship between Blacks and Jews in the United States following the conflict in Gaza is causing concerns, with both communities feeling abandoned and distant from each other.
Jews in America have a long history of success and integration, exemplified by achievements in various sectors of society and their alignment with American ideals of education, hard work, and social contribution.
The author, reflecting on their role supporting overlooked demographics in Jewish communal life, emphasizes the need to strengthen and prioritize support for the Jewish mainstream, especially in light of recent events like increased antisemitism and threats to Israel.
Recent and forthcoming books explore the growing opposition to Zionism among young activists, with discussions highlighting the generational and ideological divides within the Jewish community.
The text discusses the rise of anti-Zionist sentiments within certain segments of the Jewish community, particularly among younger members who question the traditional support for Israel.
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia.
This article discusses the differing visions of the endgame of the ongoing conflict in Israel between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government, and those Israelis who are calling for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
The authors discuss the transformations happening in Jewish communal life in the face of recent crises, particularly in the aftermath of the attacks by Hamas in October 7.
Israeli officials and American Jewish leaders are divided over Qatar's role in hostage diplomacy.
In this discussion, Daniel Gordis and Amy E. Schwartz explore the question of whether American Jews can fully understand the experience of Israelis living in Israel.
A recent poll found that American and Israeli Jews have become increasingly divided on the Israel-Gaza conflict.
The Gaza war has led to a significant increase in antisemitic incidents worldwide.
In Derek J. Penslar's book "Zionism: An Emotional State," he explores the emotional states underlying the Zionist project and the various reactions to it.
The Jewish song "Acheinu" has become a religious anthem in the Jewish world since October 7.
In this article, Daniel Sokatch discusses recent calls by Israeli politicians for the "voluntary emigration" of Palestinians, particularly those in Gaza.
The Forward has hired Susan Greene as their first full-time Israel correspondent in nearly seven years.