Tag: American Jews

American Jews are mobilizing to bring attention to the issue of Israeli hostages held in Gaza by Hamas.
This 2006 article explores the relationship between Jews and tattoos.
This article covers various topics related to the Israel-Gaza conflict and its impact on Jewish communities.
In the wake of recent conflicts between Israel and Gaza, American Jews are navigating the challenge of donating to support victims on both sides.
In this personal essay, Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib shares his experience of the recent Israeli airstrike that destroyed his family home in Gaza.
On a recent episode, IPF Atid Director Shanie Reichman and journalist Neri Zilber discuss various aspects of the Israel-Hamas war, including Israeli trauma post-October 7 attacks, misinformation, President Biden's visit to Israel, and regional implications.
The author discusses the recent violence in Israel/Palestine and emphasizes that Jewish grief should not be used as a justification for more violence.
Many American Jews have been showing their support for Israel in the wake of the recent attack by Hamas.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who passed away at 90, was known for her impactful career in the Senate, advocating for issues like gun control and exposing torture in the Bush administration.
The Cult of Antizionism is an article that discusses the establishment of the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) by a group of anti-Israel academics and BDS activists.
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the phrase "L'Shana Tova" as a greeting for Rosh Hashanah.
The Israeli Supreme Court is currently deliberating on legislation that would weaken the judiciary, and American Jews are facing a choice on how to respond.
The preeminence of the Jewish-liberal alliance in American politics is being threatened by the rise of Jewish progressives.
The author discusses the need for Israelis and American Jews to learn how to communicate in order to bridge the divide between them.
President Joe Biden has taken a passive-aggressive approach towards Israel, expressing his disapproval of Israel's hard-right turn but not imposing any significant costs on Israel or its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Activists from the progressive Jewish group IfNotNow have launched a campaign urging Democratic lawmakers in New York to reject endorsements and financial contributions from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
The Conversation was a two-day retreat that aimed to foster deep discussion and debate in a trustful environment among Jewish participants from various backgrounds.
After the death penalty was sentenced for Robert Bowers, the man who murdered 11 worshippers at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue, six Jewish scholars discuss Judaism's stance on capital punishment.
The article discusses the parallels between the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white supremacist rally took place in 2017, and the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
The article discusses the question of whether U.S. military aid to Israel is a right-wing or left-wing issue.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent statements have raised concerns among American Jews.
The 2020 Pew study found that many American Jews identify as Jewish culturally or ethnically, but not religiously.
The man responsible for the deadliest crime against Jews in American history, the Tree of Life shooter, has been found eligible to receive the death penalty.
The author reflects on their experience visiting Israel and Palestine as an American Jew.
Indian ethnonationalists have been learning from Israel advocates in their pursuit of political power in the United States.