Tag: American Jews

The article discusses the relationship between Israel's actions and antisemitism, arguing that blaming Israel for antisemitism only serves to aid antisemites by absolving them of their responsibility.
Recent articles in The Atlantic discuss the rise of Israel-related antisemitism, particularly on college campuses like Stanford.
After a recent visit to Israel post-10/7, a Rabbi reflects on conversations with Israeli cab drivers, survivors of the war with Hamas, and displaced Israelis due to terrorist threats.
Israel's High Court decision to draft yeshivah bochurim into the IDF has sparked debate.
The disconnect between American Jews and mainstream Jewish organizations is highlighted by discussions on supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, concerns about an oppressor-oppressed ideology leading to antisemitism, and outrage over anti-Israel propaganda in schools.
David Bernstein discusses the growing divide between American Jews and mainstream Jewish organizations, particularly regarding support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs.
While Jewish tradition historically viewed eclipses as bad omens, some contemporary American Jews are embracing the opportunity to witness the upcoming total solar eclipse.
In this opinion piece, the author argues that the current panic regarding rising antisemitism is exaggerated and misplaced in some aspects within the American Jewish community.
The discussion explores the ongoing criticisms of Israel, focusing on its response to the recent conflict with Hamas and the divide within the Jewish community, particularly in the United States.
Ira Sheskin, a renowned American Jewish demographer, developed a technique using 29 distinctive Jewish last names to identify Jewish populations in surveys, avoiding the expense of widespread outreach.
A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that most Americans, including almost 90% of American Jews, believe that antisemitism has increased since October 7.
The author reflects on their experience at a U.N. session about sexual violence against Jewish women by Hamas and highlights how American Jews need to emulate Israeli assertiveness in facing antisemitism.
American Jews are increasingly alarmed by climate change, with many viewing it as a top issue requiring urgent action.
The article defends the congregational rabbinate amidst a perceived crisis in synagogue engagement in the U.S.
Joe Lieberman, a prominent American Jewish figure and former senator from Connecticut, represented a unique era in American public life with his religious observance and support for Israel.
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish person on a major party presidential ticket, was widely celebrated in the Jewish community.
In a series of events starting from October 7, some American Jews have observed a perceived shift in President Biden's stance towards Israel, with concerns escalating regarding his actions that seem detrimental to Israel's interests.
The text discusses the perception of a decline in the status of Jewish people in the United States, emphasizing that the increase in antisemitism is not the primary cause.
American Jews overwhelmingly support Israel's efforts against Hamas, as shown in a new Pew poll.
Franklin Foer, a writer for The Atlantic, discusses rising antisemitism affecting American Jews from both the left and the right in his article "The Golden Age of American Jews Is Ending."
In the article, Zev Mishell discusses the ongoing conflict in Gaza and criticizes liberal Zionist leaders for justifying the violence and destruction there.
The umbrella group for major American Jewish organizations expressed distress following a call with Senator Chuck Schumer, who faced backlash for calling for new elections in Israel and criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The text discusses a shift in political allegiances among Jewish voters in the United States, questioning the traditional alignment with the Democratic Party.
Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly made statements suggesting that American Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal to Israel, insinuating a dual loyalty between American Jews and Israel.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a recent speech, emphasized the importance of securing peace and prosperity for Israelis and Palestinians, aligning with the views of the majority of American Jews who have nuanced opinions on Israel.