Tag: American Jews

The author reflects on their experience growing up in the Reform movement and how it shaped their Jewish identity.
Rachel is a popular name in the Jewish community, and January 4 is celebrated as National Rachel Day.
A recent poll found that 73% of Jewish students in American universities have experienced or witnessed antisemitic incidents, a significant increase from previous years.
Israeli American novelist Ruby Namdar discusses the novelistic plight of American Jewry and Israeli Jewry in the aftermath of October 7.
The article discusses the impact of President Biden's stance on Israel and the Gaza conflict on Jewish American voters and the upcoming 2024 elections.
The tradition of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas is a well-known phenomenon.
This discussion explores the complex relationship between American Jews and Christmas.
American Jews should consider starting a campaign called "Pushkes for Palestinians" to help reimburse and support Palestinian olive farmers who have been targeted and harassed by Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
The documentary film Israelism, which explores the experiences of two young American Jews in the West Bank and criticizes major American-Jewish organizations, has faced repeated attempts to cancel its screenings.
The article argues that American Jews need to reassess their political affiliations and be more discerning about the support they give to political leaders and movements.
The article discusses the rising antisemitism on college campuses and the role of university presidents in addressing this issue.
The question of whether Jewish children should sing Christmas carols sparks a range of opinions among different Jewish denominations.
In this article, the author discusses President Joe Biden's remarks about the safety of Jews and Israel.
In this article, the author argues that American Jews are in a moral panic about antisemitism and need to calm down before causing damage.
This article explores the history and mindset behind Jewish critics of Israel.
The podcast discusses the escalating violence in Israel and the shift from calls for ceasefires to open calls for an "intifada" in the United States, reflecting Palestinian attacks on Jews over the years.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson argues that the far-right members of Benjamin Netanyahu's government, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, should be removed from power.
Amidst growing concern about antisemitism on college campuses, it is important to differentiate between clear-cut cases of antisemitism and instances that are simply anti-Zionist activism.
A generation gap has emerged among American Jews and their views on Israel, with younger generations expressing less support for the country.
On November 14, a pro-Israel rally took place in Washington, D.C., drawing tens of thousands of American Jews and others in support of Israel.
A group of families and friends of Israelis held hostage by Hamas in the Gaza Strip have begun a five-day march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to demand the prioritization of their loved ones' release.
A tweet featuring an Israeli soldier speaking Hasidic Yiddish has gained viral attention, with the soldier delivering a message of reassurance to American Jews.
The American Jewish community is facing a reckoning with elite universities, as recent events have highlighted the rise of antisemitic ideas on campuses.
In the face of existential threats to Israel and the resurgence of anti-Semitism, American Jews are called to unity and action.
Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Israel's envoy to combat antisemitism, is urging American Jews to stand up for Israel in the face of recent attacks by Hamas terrorists.