Tag: Ashkenazi Jews

An upcoming online conference titled "Yiddish and the Holocaust: New Approaches" seeks to emphasize the importance of incorporating Yiddish language and culture into Holocaust studies.
The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white.
Jewish model Sofia Richie Grainge, married to Jewish record producer Elliot Grange, welcomed their daughter Eloise Samantha Grange, following the tradition of naming a child after a deceased loved one.
Onions have played a significant role in human history and remain a versatile and widely used vegetable today.
Rabbi Yitsy David, a Sephardic Jew, is working to promote and preserve the diverse heritage and culture of Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in the UK, aiming to educate Jewish schools about their history and traditions.
The article provides three vegan Passover recipes catering to those avoiding kitniyot.
Debra Band's illustrated volume "Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living" with commentary by Menachem Fisch delves into the existential ponderings of the biblical book of Kohelet, or Ecclesiastes, attributed to King Solomon.
The British comedy show "Hapless" (previously titled "The Jewish Enquirer") faced controversy when British Airways initially removed it from their in-flight offerings during the Israel-Hamas war but later reinstated it.
A woman reflects on her experience facing cancer after undergoing abdominal surgery, similar to Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.
This article explores various TV shows and movies that celebrate the art of Jewish matchmaking.
This episode of Adventures in Jewish Studies examines the experiences of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews who migrated to various American colonies in the late seventeenth century, such as Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.
This text explores the various myths, traditions, and symbolism associated with apples in different cultures, including Jewish tradition.
Dana El Kurd, a political science professor and expert on the Palestinian national movement, will be discussing Mahmoud Abbas in a Zoom call cosponsored with Jewish Currents.
The period of austerity in Israel, lasting from 1949 to 1959, was a time of limited resources and rationing due to the influx of Jewish immigrants to the newly formed state.
Politicians and advocacy groups have criticized Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent comments on the coronavirus, which were a mix of old antisemitic tropes with a modern twist.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic presidential candidate and vaccine skeptic, came under fire for making antisemitic remarks claiming that COVID-19 was targeted to spare Ashkenazi Jews.
Asi Wind, an Israeli-born magician considered one of the world's finest close-up magicians, believes that magic allows him to connect with people by breaking through their protective barriers.
The article discusses the connection between ice cream and Jewish traditions, particularly in relation to the holiday of Shavuot.
This article discusses the tradition of eating dairy products on the holiday of Shavuot and provides a brief explanation for this custom.
In the early 1900s, Jews from Eastern Europe immigrated to the US, settling in New York City.
Two Jewish American writers, Elizabeth and Aaron, discovered a connection between their novels, both inspired by their grandmothers' immigration stories through Cuba to the United States.
This article explores the historical and cultural significance of eggs in Jewish cuisine.
In response to a recent column about how the Forward should spell the name of the unleavened bread product eaten during Passover, readers shared their preferences.
Proposed changes to the US government's racial and ethnic statistical standards have raised concerns among Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews who feel they do not fit neatly into the new categories.
In his book "Enemies, a Love Story," Prof. Hillel Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores Mizrahi Jewish politics in relation to Palestinian Arabs and Ashkenazi Jews from the emergence of Zionism to modern times.